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Re: [Tlf-devel] Improved keyboard handling

From: Thomas Beierlein
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Improved keyboard handling
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2016 07:38:28 +0100

Hi all,

Am Mon, 4 Jan 2016 19:56:23 +0100
schrieb Thomas Beierlein <address@hidden>:

> Hi Nate, hi Ervin,
> having some common key handling is a great goal - but not so even to
> reach.
> Thanks for the work Nate. I did some similar stuff some time ago, but
> got distracted by some more urgent problems in tlf. I will try to find
> the old branch and push it to github for reference. 
in meantime I found the branch and pushed it to my copy of the repo.
You can find it at

Be aware that it sits on a really old code base (tlf-1.20_pre4). So
have a look and pick up what seems appropriate.

73, de Tom.

> I had a similar handling for the ESCDELAY and an activated keypad.
> Main difference - I did only handle the alt-keys by adding the +128.
> If I remember correctly by doing so I was able to map nearly all used
> key combinations in tlf to the new ncurses keys. The only ones which
> did not work where the Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-PgDn keys which are not
> handled by ncurses for the xfce terminal.
> I had hoped that with ncurses doing the key decoding that we could
> drop the different handling for different terminal emulations. But
> that seems to be not so.
> Let me add two more terminal settings which we should check - that is
> plain linux console and screen and/or tmux.
> Maybe it is time to sort it out and get a solid solution. Nate it
> would be nice if you could lead that work. Ervin and me we are
> willing to test and give hints and support. would that be ok for you?
> 73, de Tom DL1JBE

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Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea

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