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RE: tramp (2.1.3); cannot open remote files or directories using plink m

From: Bryson, Stewart
Subject: RE: tramp (2.1.3); cannot open remote files or directories using plink method
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 16:37:58 -0500

I tried the same thing with eshell... and it was a little more
enlightening. I'm getting some kind of extra character that's causing
very strange behavior.

Thanks for your help.

Welcome to the Emacs shell

c:/cygwin/home/brysons $ plink -l brysons
address@hidden's password: 
]0;address@hidden:address@hidden brysons]$ ls -ltr
ls -ltr
total 760
-rwx------    1 brysons  games      768664 Sep 27 12:41
drwxr-xr-x    2 brysons  games        4096 Oct  5 16:09 bin
]0;address@hidden:address@hidden brysons]$ 
]0;address@hidden:address@hidden brysons]$ unset HISTORY
]0;address@hidden:address@hidden brysons]$ 
]0;address@hidden:address@hidden brysons]$ unset correct
unset correct
]0;address@hidden:address@hidden brysons]$ 
]0;address@hidden:address@hidden brysons]$ unset autocorrect
unset autocorrect
]0;address@hidden:address@hidden brysons]$ 
]0;address@hidden:address@hidden brysons]$ exec env 'ENV=' 'PS1=$
' /bin/sh
exec env 'ENV=' 'PS1=$ ' /bin/sh

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Albinus [mailto:address@hidden 
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 4:11 PM
To: Bryson, Stewart
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: tramp (2.1.3); cannot open remote files or directories
using plink method

"Bryson, Stewart" <address@hidden> writes:

> Here are the results.
> First... at the end of my .bash_profile, I placed:
> export PS1="$"
> That way... there shouldn't be an issue with the prompt. However... I
> got basically the same results.

Then it must be an unwanted echo. Hmm, I'll sleep about ...

Maybe you can perform another test this time: Open a shell in Emacs
with "M-x shell".  Send "plink -l brysons
Send password if needed. Send the following commands:

unset correct
unset autocorrect
exec env 'ENV=' 'PS1=$ ' /bin/sh

Show the contents of the shell buffer (hide the password, if visible).

Best regards, Michael.

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