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Re: How do I debug this?

From: Mark Geary
Subject: Re: How do I debug this?
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 19:04:58 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (BSF 202 2017-01-01)

On Thu, 24 Aug 2017, Michael Albinus wrote:

Mark Geary <address@hidden> writes:

I’m still having another problem, connecting with Tramp from a Linux
box at work, to the prismnet FreeBSD box, but I’m getting more output
from it before it hangs and I need to look at that more closely.
Good luck! Let us know whether we could help.
Right. So I'm connecting from a Linux box running Emacs 23.1.1 and Tramp
2.1.15. The remote machine is the same FreeBSD box I described earlier.

Tramp finds the prompt on the remote machine.

[Diversion: What's the purpose of "_echo^H^H^H^H^H"?]

But (for historical resons) my shell here is tcsh, so the ssh method falls apart
when tramp tries to set PS1.

I tried the sshx method, but it still hangs at the same spot. Here's the end of
the debug buffer:

    14:38:08 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Remote echo 
still on. Ok.
    14:38:08 tramp-send-command (6) # _echo^H^H^H^H^Hstty icanon erase ^H cols 
    14:38:08 tramp-check-for-regexp (5) # echo-mark found
    14:38:08 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) #
    14:38:08 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting shell 
    14:38:08 tramp-send-command (6) # _echo^H^H^H^H^HPS1='
    14:38:08 tramp-check-for-regexp (5) # echo-mark found

I logged on the remote machine directly and started /bin/sh manually. It seems
it drops newlines in PS1. Is this what is causing Tramp to hang at this point?

/usr/local/bin/bash appears to preserve newlines. So I created a new connection
method, copying from sshx but changing /bin/sh to /usr/local/bin/bash.

(add-to-list 'tramp-methods '("sshxbash" [...] )) ; Is there a better way to do 
this in Tramp 2.1.15?

Unfortunately, it still seems to hang at the same point.

The *tramp/sshxbash io* buffer (io is an alias in .ssh/config for
contains just "///3ada5f533267468984eeb5d8b77f38c3", with no newline at the end.

The *debug tramp/sshxbash io* buffer appears to stop at the same point as with 
the sshx method. It doesn't seem too long, so I'll include it below.

We use the Korn Shell on the local machine, which causes the initial errors. 
They don't seem to be fatal.
I've replaced actual backspace and carriage return characters with ^H and ^M.

Any advice on what to do next?

18:48:08 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Opening connection for io using 
18:48:08 tramp-maybe-open-connection (6) # /bin/sh
18:48:08 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Waiting 60s for local shell to come 
18:48:09 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # sh: break: only meaningful in a `for', `while', or `until' loop
sh: alias: -x: invalid option
alias: usage: alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ]
sh: alias: -x: invalid option
alias: usage: alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ]
sh: alias: -x: invalid option
alias: usage: alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ]
sh: alias: -x: invalid option
alias: usage: alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ]
sh: print: command not found
sh: alias: -x: invalid option
alias: usage: alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ]
sh: print: command not found
sh: alias: -x: invalid option
alias: usage: alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ]
sh: print: command not found
sh: alias: -x: invalid option
alias: usage: alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ]
sh: print: command not found
sh: alias: -x: invalid option
alias: usage: alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ]
sh: print: command not found
sh: print: command not found
sh: integer: command not found
sh: typeset: -Z: invalid option
typeset: usage: typeset [-aAfFilrtux] [-p] name[=value] ...
sh: set: -A: invalid option
set: usage: set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]
flg0013 0 DING!!:/tmp> 18:48:09 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Sending command `ssh io -q -e none -t -t /usr/local/bin/bash && exit || exit'
18:48:09 tramp-send-command (6) # ssh io   -q -e none -t -t /usr/local/bin/bash 
&& exit || exit
18:48:09 tramp-process-actions (3) # Waiting for prompts from remote shell
18:48:10 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( .*\)?: 
*\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:10 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:10 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^.*\(Connection 
\(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification failed\.\|Login 
\(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported authentication methods 
left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|Sorry, try again\.\|Tramp connection 
closed\).*\|^.*\(Received signal [0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:10 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:10 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:10 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(Are you sure you 
want to continue connecting (yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:10 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(\(?:Store key in 
cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return cancels connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from 
remote shell
18:48:10 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(TERM = 
(.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:10 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\)\'" from remote 
18:48:10 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-process-alive'
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( .*\)?: 
*\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^.*\(Connection 
\(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification failed\.\|Login 
\(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported authentication methods 
left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|Sorry, try again\.\|Tramp connection 
closed\).*\|^.*\(Received signal [0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(Are you sure you 
want to continue connecting (yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(\(?:Store key in 
cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return cancels connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from 
remote shell
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(TERM = 
(.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\)\'" from remote 
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-process-alive'
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(.*ogin\( .*\)?: 
*\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\([pP]assword\|[pP]assphrase\).*:? *\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^.*\(Connection 
\(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification failed\.\|Login 
\(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported authentication methods 
left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|Sorry, try again\.\|Tramp connection 
closed\).*\|^.*\(Received signal [0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
18:48:11 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-succeed'
18:48:11 tramp-process-actions (6) # address@hidden ~]$ 18:48:11 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Found remote shell prompt on `io'
18:48:11 tramp-send-command (6) # exec env ENV='' PROMPT_COMMAND='' PS1='$ ' 
PS2='' PS3='' /bin/sh
18:48:12 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # $ 18:48:12 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting up remote shell environment
18:48:12 tramp-send-command (6) # stty -inlcr -echo kill '^U' erase '^H'
18:48:12 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # stty -inlcr -echo kill '^U' erase '^H'^M
18:48:12 tramp-send-command (6) # echo foo
18:48:12 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
echo foo^M
$ 18:48:12 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Remote echo still on. Ok.
18:48:12 tramp-send-command (6) # _echo^H^H^H^H^Hstty icanon erase ^H cols 
18:48:12 tramp-check-for-regexp (5) # echo-mark found
18:48:12 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # $ 18:48:12 tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell (5) # Setting shell prompt
18:48:12 tramp-send-command (6) # _echo^H^H^H^H^HPS1='
18:48:12 tramp-check-for-regexp (5) # echo-mark found

Fifty-four Forty or Fight!

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