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Re: A question on FD solver

From: Daniel Diaz
Subject: Re: A question on FD solver
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 12:21:32 +0100
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There is no bug here, FD constraint solving is based on consistency techniques and propagation. Meaning that the domain of each variables is updated (reduced) when constraints are added. This only ensures that, for each variable, all solutions are in the current domain (but not the reverse: some values are not solutions). The domain of a variable is then an approximation of the set of all solutions. For classical arithmetic constraints only the bounds of the variables are propagated (the min..max) (called arc-consistency). This is done for each constraint independently of all other constraints.

To find actual solutions among values in the domain we have to try each of them one by one. This is done by the labeling phase. For a variable X with a domain D1, D2,..., Dn this phase tries to unify X with D1, with D2,... by backtraking. It is then equivalent to (X=D1; X=D2;...;X=Dn).

Here is a simplified version of your example (basically V is Va, all domains are 0..4, V is Va, X is X3, D is D2, X1 has been replaced by 0, X4 is replaced by 2+D2,...).

        X #=< D + V,
        X #>= D + 2.

D  <--- X --->
  +2        +V

This has a solution iif V >= 2 but this is not discovered by simple arc-consistency as shown below:

| ?- eq(X,D,V).

D = _#25(0..2)
V = _#47(0..4)
X = _#3(2..4)

V is 0..4

The arc-consistency deduces (briefly):

for X:
  max(X) <= max(D) + max(V)
  (which is greater than 4, given by fd_domain), so noting is deduced.
  min(X) >= min(D) + 2. Thus X is in 2..4 (i.e. X >= 2)

for D:
  min(D) >= min(X) - max(V) = 0-2 = -2 (less than 0, nothing deduced)
  max(D) <= max(X) - 2 = 4-2 = 2. Thus D is in 0..2 (i.e. D <= 2)

for V:
  min(V) >= min(X) - max(D) = 2 - 2 = 0
  max(V) is not constrained, Thus V is in 0..4 (not reduced)

Thus for V, arc-consistency does not discover V>=2. For this we would have to combine both constraints:
we have  X<=D+V ie. V>=X-D
we also have  X>=D+2  ie.  X-D>=D+2-D ie X-D>=2
from V>=X-D and X-D>=2 we can deduce V>=2
But arc-consistency does not perform this kind of deduction (it would need to have a global view of all constraints, instead arc-consistency has only a local view but... it is also fast for this reason :-)).

We then need a labeling pahse to discover solutions (with V >= 2).

I hope this clarifies things.

Xiaohua Kong wrote:
I am using FD solver to work on some verification problem that is modeled as CSP problem. Since most constraints are linear, I choose partial consistency operators in FD solver.
Here is a small example:
LD1 = [X1,X2,X3,X4],
LD2 = [D1,D2],
Va #=<5,
Va #>=0,
X1 #= 0,
X2 #=< X1+4,
X2 #>= X1+2,
X3 #= X1+D1,
X4 #= X2+D2,
D1 #=< D2+Va,
D1 #>= D2-Va,
X4 #=< X3.
By asking ieq(LD1,LD2,Va).
The solver gives answer:
LD1 = [0,_#25(2..4),_#47(3..12),_#69(3..12)]
LD2 = [_#91(3..12),_#113(1..10)]
Va = _#134(0..5)
However, there is no assignment exsits if Va=0.
Actually, labeling Va will return give answer that Va could b [2,5].
Several questions on this penominon: - Is there any problem with the code? Or it is a problem that caused by the algrithm. - Without labeling, if the solver gives answer "yes" and return a domain, does that means there exist at least one solution? (Even though the answer of the variable domains is not accurate).
- The computation cost of labeling.
Xiaohua Kong

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