Bartek Wilczynski wrote:
Quoting Daniel Dudley <address@hidden>:
?- factorial(18795, F).
Big enough for you?
I'm afraid You don't understand the problem with tail recursion
optimization, and I think that other discussion participants
find it to obvious to explain to You, so I'll try.
Generally, I would not recommend Prologers to create huge
lists via pure recursion -- in any Prolog implementation.
Which brings me back to my original post in this thread.
Ok, if you're feeling particularly mad (just today or even
long-term), then consult this ( in gprolog:
% for_nd(Start,Stop,N) is true if N is the current value
% of the iteration ranging from Start to Stop. For each
% iteration, N is increased by one.
Start < Stop,
Start1 is Start + 1,
and run this query:
?- findall(N,for_nd(1,100000,N),L).
Bartek can add three 0's to the 100000 in the query if he
so wants.
Note that for_nd/3 is a non-deterministic predicate on the
same lines as factorial_nd/5.
I'll spare the mailing list the output!
And please, stop giving examples using different prolog
implementation, when discussion is about specific problems
in gprolog implementation (or not-implementation ;).
I apologize, the meaning was merely to show erroneous
behaviour in gprolog (in comparison to other Prologs).
Clearly I assumed too much when I thought this would be
obvious to readers.