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Re: [vile] middle click

From: Mike J Dougherty
Subject: Re: [vile] middle click
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:28:54 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061003)

Paul Fox wrote:
mike j dougherty wrote:
 > OK, this may sound a bit lame, but it's been bugging me for a while...

not lame at all.

 > On Linux and other Unix WM's you can highlight text in an xterm (or
 > other window) and paste it to another xterm (or other window) by
 > clicking the middle mouse button (or if you only have a 2 button mouse,
 > but click both buttons at the same time). I love this feature, and use
 > it a lot. But it seems to be configured incorrectly in my vile. It works
 > as expected when I'm using xvile, but not when I use vile. How can I
 > setup vile to get this working like it does in xvile?

i suspect you have the "xterm-mouse" mode set.

if "xterm-mouse" is off (which is how i use vile), then vile
should behave exactly like the xterm in which it's running, with
regard to the mouse.

if "xterm-mouse" is on, then i'll quote from vile's help:

    xterm-mouse Enables mouse-clicking if you are running within an
	    xterm.  That is, it allows vile to receive mouse events.
	    Since this mode overrides xterm's cut & paste, you will
	    need to use the Shift key when pressing the mouse buttons
	    to cut and paste between X windows.  Your TERM variable's
	    termcap entry should contain the string "xterm" for this to
	    work.  (U)

summary:  try turning off xterm-mouse, or use shift when cutting/pasting.

or, maybe something entirely different is going on, in which case
we'll both be glad that tom is not only the vile maintainer, but also
the xterm maintainer.  :-)


OK, excellent. Thanks for the response. However, how do I turn it off? I've tried "set xterm-mouse=off" in my .vilerc, but that doesn't seem to do it. There doesn't seem to be any indication in the help to describe how to enable/disable this feature.

Thanks again for he help,

 Mike Dougherty

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