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Re: [vile] update on vi-book draft

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: Re: [vile] update on vi-book draft
Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 12:08:09 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 3 Nov 2007, Paul Fox wrote:

tom -- i'm sorry i haven't had time in the last week to look
at this.

I know how it goes ($dayjob eats a lot of time).  But $dayjob's working
in short cycles, so I can do this _now_ (my original plan was to work on vile, anyway - though not on this ;-). Any advice is helpful though.

In chapter 12, most of it is either okay, or updated except for 12.6, which I expect to spend much of tomorrow rewriting. Actually, I trimmed 12.6.1 down since it was simple, but for the rest, I want to trim things and introduce comparable coverage for winvile - the trimming is partly to stay in roughly the same page count as the original (meeting expectations helps avoid having the O'Reilly editor chop it to their tastes).

the link below points at a lot of pages that say "unchanged".  is
that your comment, or is it something andy sent you?

That's my comment.

Andy sent me what appears to be the un-updated chapter 12, which was focused on vile. I scanned through the book (found a pdf on the web last year, which helps, since I can search _that_), and saw that the vi-clones were introduced in chapter 8, and also that the appendix C lists the modes/options for each editor.

I made a stub for chapter 8, noting places where the text should be updated for vile - not _all_ are unchanged. Keeping the section numbers the same in the stub is so it's easy to relate to the original book. At the moment I'm filling out a stub for the appendix C, since the comparable coverage for vile should list the options introduced since 1998. (There are also minor errors in the original book's appendix).

They may of course change the organization of those chunks, though from the way Andy's initial email read, it didn't sound likely. So I decided it's best to just update what's needed, and get it into their draft for review (for this Monday, which is what I believe Andy and I agreed to in the second/third email).


thomas wrote:
> I've gone once-through the chapter 12, have to rework some of the
> xvile treatment (partly to make room for comparable discussion
> of winvile), and see that I ought-to-update the list of options
> in appendix-c.  So it's progressing.  Additional eyes on the
> text are welcome...

paul fox, address@hidden (arlington, ma, where it's 38.5 degrees)

Thomas E. Dickey

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