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[vile] vile-9.5s.patch.gz

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: [vile] vile-9.5s.patch.gz
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 20:42:02 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.16 (2007-06-11)

 vile 9.5s
 patch by Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>
 created  Mon Nov 26 01:36:46 UTC 2007
 CHANGES                       |   97 
 MANIFEST                      |    9 
 README                        |    4 
 aclocal.m4                    |  479 ++--
 ansi.c                        |    6 
 api.c                         |   32 
 basic.c                       |  452 ++-
 bind.c                        |  161 -
 borland.c                     |    5 
 buffer.c                      |   98 
 builtflt.c                    |  114 
 charsets.c                    |  733 +++++-
 cmdtbl                        |   30 
 config.guess                  |   22 
 config.sub                    |   17 
 configure                     | 4735 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------                  |   34 
 curses.c                      |   44 
 descrip.mms                   |    4 
 display.c                     |  761 ++++--
 doc/macros.doc                |   21 
 dumbterm.c                    |    6 
 edef.h                        |   12 
 estruct.h                     |  174 +
 eval.c                        |  180 -
 exec.c                        |   14 
 externs.c                     |    3 
 fences.c                      |    6 
 file.c                        |  103 
 filec.c                       |   32 
 fileio.c                      |   97 
 filters/filterio.c            |   46 
 filters/filters.h             |   10 
 filters/filters.rc            |   14 
 filters/flt_defs.h            |   10 
 filters/fltstack.h            |   16 
 filters/genmake.mak           |    5 
 filters/html.key              |    4 
 filters/htmlfilt.l            |   20 
 filters/ini-filt.l            |    7 
 filters/latexflt.l            |   12 
 filters/lispfilt.l            |   14 
 filters/makefile.wnt          |    2 
 filters/mk-1st.awk            |   12 
 filters/mk-2nd.awk            |   18 
 filters/pl-filt.c             |    3 
 filters/rb-filt.l             |   16 
 filters/sh-filt.l             |   74 
 filters/spell.rc              |    4 
 filters/ti-filt.l             |    8 
 filters/vilefilt.l            |  200 +
 filters/xml-filt.l            |    6 
 finderr.c                     |   18 
 glob.c                        |    7 
 history.c                     |   18 
 input.c                       |  290 +-
 insert.c                      |   73 
 line.c                        |  215 +
 macros/color-ls.rc            |    4 
 macros/loaderrs.rc            |    6 
 macros/manpage.rc             |   10 
 macros/modes.rc               |   47 
 macros/vileinit.rc            |    4 
 main.c                        |  109 
 makefile.blc                  |    9 
 makefile.djg                  |    5 
 makefile.icc                  |    5                   |   17 
 makefile.wnt                  |   26 
 map.c                         |    4 
 menu.c                        |   23 
 mktbls.c                      |   99 
 modes.c                       |  524 ++--
 modetbl                       |  376 +--
 msgs.c                        |    4 
 ntconio.c                     |   71 
 ntwinio.c                     |  803 ++++--
 nullterm.c                    |    4 
 oneliner.c                    |   22 
 os2vio.c                      |    5 
 patchlev.h                    |    2 
 path.c                        |  106 
 perl.xs                       |   92 
 perl/                 |   38 
 proto.h                       |  158 +
 random.c                      |  123 -
 regexp.c                      |    8 
 region.c                      |   90 
 revlist                       |  245 +-
 search.c                      |   10 
 select.c                      |   49 
 spawn.c                       |    4 
 statevar.c                    |   28 
 tags.c                        |   12 
 tbuff.c                       |    6 
 tcap.c                        |  182 -
 trace.c                       |  436 ++-
 trace.h                       |   13 
 undo.c                        |   28 
 version.c                     |    3 
 vile-9.5.spec                 |    9 
 vile-9.5s/blist.c             |  194 +
 vile-9.5s/blist.h             |   32 
 vile-9.5s/eightbit.c          |  325 ++
 vile-9.5s/filters/conffilt.l  |   97 
 vile-9.5s/filters/docbook.key |  435 +++
 vile-9.5s/wcwidth.c           |  362 +++
 vile-9.5s/wcwidth.h           |   14 
 vile.hlp                      |  121 -
 vl_ctype.h                    |    6                  |    4 
 vmsvt.c                       |    4 
 w32cbrd.c                     |   53 
 w32cmd.c                      | 2941 ++++++++++++------------
 w32misc.c                     |  405 ++-
 w32ole.cpp                    |  129 -
 w32ole.h                      |    6 
 w32oo.cpp                     |   56 
 w32pipe.c                     |   73 
 w32reg.c                      |  398 +--
 w32vile.h                     |   10 
 window.c                      |    5 
 word.c                        |   33 
 wvwrap.cpp                    |  173 +
 x11.c                         |  176 +
 xterm.c                       |    7 
 126 files changed, 12583 insertions(+), 6902 deletions(-)

 20071125 (s)
        + several changes to provide usable Unicode support:
          + add mode percent-utf8 to set a threshold for file-encoding mode
            "auto" detection of UTF-16/UTF-32 files.
          + file-encoding mode can be set to "auto", to detect UTF-16 files,
            which are loaded as UTF-8.
          + UTF-8 files are detected based on the file-encoding mode as well.
          + Unicode values are displayed (where no locale controls) as "\uXXXX"
            in 4 hexadecimal digits.
          + add unicode-as-hex mode to override locale, forcing Unicode values
            to display as "\uXXXX".
          + for buffers with UTF-8 encoding, show illegal bytes as "\?XX".
          + Unicode values can be inserted into buffers using ^VuXXXX form.
          + terminal drivers support Unicode display in varying degrees:
            + winvile - multicolumn characters, depends on font selection
            + termcap/terminfo - relies on terminal emulator, knows about
              multicolumn characters
            + xvile - displays only single-column characters
            + curses - depends on the curses library, e.g., ncursesw
            + win32 console - not yet implemented
          + combining characters are not combined.
          + registers hold byte data, will show the UTF-8 encoding for data
            rather than a \uXXXX (unless the file-encoding for [Registers]
            is changed).
          + some "characters" such as the report for yanked text is still
            really a byte-count.
          + inserting a \uXXXX into the minibuffer will display the UTF-8
          + regular expressions are not wide-character aware.
          + UTF-16 and UTF-32 files are detected based on BOM and/or the
            contents of the first line of the file.
          + external syntax filters do not handle BOM or UTF-16, UTF-32.
        + improve name-completion by saving/restoring the original window and
          buffer when [Completions] closes, rather than the closest window.
        + add output from rcshist to diffmode.
        + add ".vbp" files to inimode.
        + modify configure script to omit lex-filt.l from build if lex is not
          really flex, since the tables are too large for the older program.
        + modify to use a temporary file to work with newer Perl's
          that do not handle tied variables exactly as filehandles.
        + update Kevin Buettner's email address.
        + add -class option to xvile.
        + remove a redundant XtDestroyWidget() from x_close() to quiet a
          warning from XtRemoveGrab() when doing a ":q" from Xm-vile
          (report by Chris Green).
        + use va_copy() in dofmt() to work with Linux on powerpc 
          (report by Paul van Tilburg).
        + add docbookmode
        + improve 9.5m/9.5q check for file ownership, adding a warning message
          for files which are ignored (report by Chris Green).
        + change default for --with-locale configure option to mesh with
        + improve paste-performance in winvile by passing whole-line chunks
          to the insert-function.
        + improved cppmode's identifier-expr (report by Gerry Fredette).
        + correct order of evaluation from 9.4w when setting record-separator,
          which was setting "crlf" ending temporarily when computing the buffer
          size, even when "lf" was intended.  That would cause an immediate
          write from winvile (without change) for a buffer to write too many
        + add syntax filter conffilt.l, for "ordinary" config-files.
        + add "rectangle-insert-mode".
        + fill in several omitted items in init_mode_value().
        + add "describe-&functions" and "describe-$variables" commands.
          (The latter is a stub for later).
        + improve repainting in winvile while processing external command.
          also modify keyboard handling to provide type-ahead while processing
          external command.
        + remove obsolete $tpause variable.
        + modify majormode inferencing to check preamble for [Standard Input]
          and [Output] buffers.
        + add "&gtmotion" function for scripts.
        + improve handling of enumerated values by forcing all to lowercase,
          e.g., to eliminate the need for the special case in 9.1x to handle
          "TRUE" and "true".
        + revise lstrinsert() and associated logic which implements changes
          to rectangles, e.g., with c^Aq, to ensure that it pads the change
          with blanks rather than nulls (report by Paul van Tilburg).
        + improve modeline support by ignoring strict "vi" modeline options
          that are not recognized by vile, rather than reporting an error.
        + use new module blist (binary search of lists) to reduce linear
          searches in the places where btree is not already used.
        + change rename-other-buffer command to other-buffer-rename, to avoid
          name-completion conflict with rename-command (feedback from Steve
        + remove obsolete check for ANSI qsort.
        + improve vilefilt.l, highlighting mode names and displaying error
          for unknown mode, function and state variables.
        + fix typo in manpage.rc which broke use of pod2man in 9.5m
        + add &pquote in manpage.rc, to allow it to format html output when
          vile-manfilt, etc., reside in directories containing spaces in their
        + add ".reg" filetypes to inimode.
        + add several package-related suffixes to sqlmode.
        + add xpmmode

Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>

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