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Re: [vile] schememode for vile

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: Re: [vile] schememode for vile
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 19:07:10 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.17+20080114 (2008-01-14)

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 07:41:50PM -0300, Brendan MacDonell wrote:
> I began using vile as a replacement for vim about two days ago, and
> have mostly been impressed, but was annoyed this afternoon when I
> discovered a lack of syntax highlighting for scheme (the keywords are
> sufficiently different from lisp's that using lispmode is little
> help). With a bit of work, though mostly using :%s and macros, I
> created a scheme.keywords file from the list at
>, and created a
> schememode section in my vilerc which mostly shadows the lisp
> majormode. Both are attached, though the schememode file is mostly
> redundant.

Thanks - I did do some Scheme quite a while ago....

; Remove the .scm extension from c mode.
define-mode c
~with define-submode c
        suffixes '\.\([Cchisyl]\|CC\|cc\|cpp\|gxx\|hxx\)$'

the redefinition of c-suffixes is not (usually) needed,
since you can add "before c" to the scheme mode:

; Define a scheme mode for vile.
define-mode scheme
~with define-submode scheme
  suffixes '\.\(scm\|ss\)$'
  before c
        filtername 'vile-lisp-filt -k scheme'
        comment-prefix ';'

> The only difficulty I encountered was a brief period of confusion
> about why files named *.scm insisted on being loaded in cmode, until I
> found it in the built-in cmode suffixes definition. Out of curiosity,
> is this extension often (ever?) used in C? Knowing it is the standard
> extension for scheme, might it be best to remove it from DFT_CSUFFIX
> in the next release?

I recall asking Paul Fox long ago about that - I might still have the
related email (but he might remember the answer ;-)

Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>

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