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[vile] vile-9.7a.patch.gz

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: [vile] vile-9.7a.patch.gz
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 21:24:45 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.17+20080114 (2008-01-14)

 patch by Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>
 created  Wed Jun 25 01:20:59 UTC 2008
 CHANGES            |   27 ++++++++++
 MANIFEST           |    2 
 doc/filters.doc    |    5 +
 eightbit.c         |   42 +++++++++-------
 filters/key-filt.c |   33 ++++++++++---
 filters/php-filt.l |  129 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 filters/spellflt.l |   49 +++++++++++++------
 filters/sql-filt.l |   64 ++++++++++++++++++-------
 filters/sql.key    |    4 -
 macros/modes.rc    |    3 -
 patchlev.h         |    2 
 revlist            |   26 +++++-----
 vile-9.7.spec      |    9 ++-
 13 files changed, 307 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

 20080624 (a)
        > Decklin Foster:
        + modify spell filter to use $TMPDIR rather putting its temporary
          files in the current directory.
        > Tom Dickey:
        + improved sql highlighting:
          + allow host variables in LEAD state.
          + reset state to LEAD after "then" or "else".
          + improve parsing of "@" character.
          + fix a couple of state-transitions for numbers and strings.
          + correct a misspelled color class "ident2" to "Ident2".
          + allow newlines inside quoted strings.
        + improved php highlighting:
          + identifiers may begin with "_".
          + color heredocs and nowdocs
          + color comments beginning with "#".
          + add preamble pattern for phpmode.
        + improve locale initialization in vl_init_8bit() by merging the
          with/without iconv chunks, except for the parts that explicitly
          rely on iconv.  That fixes an unintended call to vl_mb_getch()
          for some non-UTF-8 locales.
        + correct initialization of table_8bit_utf8[] when iconv is not used.
          If the locale did not use ISO-8859-1, the table was not initialized,
          causing input to be ignored (report by Gary Jennejohn).

Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>

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