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Re: [Adonthell-devel] controls, GUIs and stuff

From: Alexandre Courbot
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-devel] controls, GUIs and stuff
Date: 06 Feb 2002 20:59:25 +0100

> I should at this point mention that I'm assuming you will control only
> one character of your party at a time. The others (if there are any)
> will follow you around controlled by the computer (like in SoM). Using
> the 'switch character' button you can switch to controlling a different
> character and the computer will take over your previous character.

Just fine. This is just a schedule changing - actually we can already do
that with 0.3! ;)

> This is where the 'switch mode' button comes in. Presing it will loop
> between 'item mode' 'weapon mode' and 'magic mode'. Item mode has
> already been described.
> While in weapon mode pressing 'A' causes your character to make a basic
> attack using whatever weapon you have selected in the menus. The 'C'
> buttons will let your character make combos / different attacks using
> the same weapon.

I don't know whether such modes are the best thing to do. Kai's concerns
about it are sensible, and I'd add that attacking when everything is
safe around you should be harder than just pressing a button (not like
in Zeldas). Maybe browsing a menu to select your attack or something
like this, but a button is too fast for this. Of course what I've said
doesn't apply anymore when in real battle (although a menu system puts
every attack on the same level, even if not the most handy for realtime

> Last but not least holding down 'run' while walking speeds up your
> character. Combined with jumps you ought to be able to jump further than
> normal. Another idea would be that while in menus holding 'run' makes
> the selections scroll by faster. (it would be like CTRL in the old
> mapedit - Alex will know what I mean!)

Right. Good idea again.

I just like your system. Flexible, adaptable, with a preset number of
keys & customizable. Still, I think that we need to be able to 'feel'
the game before being able to really choose a way to control. While the
basic stuff (mapview & so on) is fine, it may be more hazardeous in
combat - and for that we can only decide once we have the game in our



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