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Re: [Adonthell-devel] Regarding wxPython and different backends

From: cirrus
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-devel] Regarding wxPython and different backends
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 19:49:56 +0000

That looks good to me (but then again, what do I know about programming
Adonthell! :P)

But it occured to me: This is all fine for gfx, but what about audio and
input? AFAIK SDL does all of them for us, but do clanlib / wxPython
handle those things too? If not what will you do about it?

Just curious really! :P


Kai Sterker wrote:
> Feel free to use wxPython, of course. Back then I nearly chose wxWindows
> for dlgedit, but ended up using GTK in the end. (AFAIK, Linux version of
> wxWindows sits on top of GTK).
> What I really wanted to do is share some thoughts about the different
> backends. Basically, what we will have is something similar to the
> following:
>                                 +------------+
>    Engine                       |   libgfx   |
>                               / +------------+ \
>                              /        |         \
>    Adaption     +-----------+   +------------+   +------------+
>    layer        |  sdl_gfx  |   |   cl_gfx   |   |  wxp_gfx   |
>                 +--+  +--+  |   +--+      +--+   |  +------+  |
>                 |  +--+  +--+   |  +------+  |   +--+      +--+
>    Libraries    |    SDL    |   |   Clanlib  |   |  wxPython  |
>                 +-----------+   +------------+   +------------+
> Basically, what you need is an adaption layer for each underlying
> library. That adaption layer is specific to each library on one side,
> but provides exactly the same interface to higher layers, like our gfx
> stuff. Basically, that means that all adaption libs export the same
> interface (which of course is completely independent from the underlying
> library.
> For example, the interface could sit in the common_gfx.h header file.
> Every part of libgfx would include common_gfx.h and would thus be
> independent from the actual graphic library you use. All you need to do
> is link against one of the available adaption libraries, i.e. libsdl_gfx
> or libcl_gfx.
> That seems to be the easiest way to me. That means you can't chose the
> backend at runtime, only at compile time, but that should be okay for
> our purpose.
> Of course, there might be completely different ways to accomplish this.
> The above is how I would go about it :). Feel free to improve stuff!
> Kai
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         Reg. Linux User #148821

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