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[Ambar-dev] Fw: Re: about papaya 0.96 in windows

From: Pablo Ruiz Múzquiz
Subject: [Ambar-dev] Fw: Re: about papaya 0.96 in windows
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 00:14:57 +0200

Mensaje reenviado:

Fecha: Mon, 27 May 2002 11:46:47 +0100 (BST)
De: Catherine Allen <address@hidden>
A: Pablo Ruiz Múzquiz <address@hidden>
Asunto: Re: about papaya 0.96 in windows

On Mon, 27 May 2002, Pablo Ruiz Múzquiz wrote:

> I just downloaded Papaya 0.96 windows version and I've encountered
> some problems (sorry).

There will always be problems as I can't test every combination, and I 
know so little Spanish I can't even make a guess as to if it's working 
correctly. :)

> The most important of all is that my spanish translation has the same
> problem we had with the special characters in the input/output boxes.
> That is, All the spanish messages finnish at the point where a special
> character appears.

I think I've fixed this now.

You will need to run:

  iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf8 es.po > tmp.po
  mv tmp.po es.po
  make install

to make your existing po file work properly.

> Apart from that, I can see some 'obvious' strings without translation
> (like Apply buttons and so) ¿is that due to the messages.po pending
> work?

This is mostly because the strings that should be translated need to be 
specially marked in the source code, and I keep forgetting to do it as I

write the code, and I miss some each time I go through the source code 
looking for unmarked strings. :)

I've picked up some missing bits on the last run through the code, but
sure I've missed others.  If you wish, you could make a list of things 
that haven't been translated and I'll try to find them in the code and 
mark them up.  The information I'll need is the name of the Window they 
are in, and what the English text is.

I've attached an updated es.po file (iso-8859-1 format) to this email, 
containing some strings that hadn't previously been marked up, including

menus.  If you could update this when you get time I'd be grateful.

In particular, you may want to look at strings marked "fuzzy" (search
fuzzy in the text) as these are guesses on the part of the program that 
updates the .po files.  The bits at the end that look like "# ~msgstr" 
should be ignored and left where they are - they're currently unused in 
Papaya, but may be in future.  There are also some new 'empty' strings.


[Pablo Ruiz Múzquiz] ||

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