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[AUCTeX] Re: Possibly broken Auctex by installing EmacsW32

From: Brian Elmegaard
Subject: [AUCTeX] Re: Possibly broken Auctex by installing EmacsW32
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 22:09:51 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.92 (windows-nt)

David Kastrup <address@hidden> writes:

> AUCTeX comes with an autoconf-based installer and a set of carefully
> maintained installation instructions.  And there is an extra set of
> instructions just for Windows users.

I know and they require several steps to handle before running
auctex (install msys and make it work, have path set correctly). 

It is possible to do and auctex is great when you have it running, but
to have it available easier would be a great help.

> Package installation for AUCTeX is not hard work, and particularly not
> if you already have a build environment capable of compiling Emacs
> installed.

It not just point-and-click as other installations are and as expected
by windows users. I wouldn't really want to need to know if I have
that environment.

> What problems do you have with AUCTeX's installer?

(0: Decide that cygwin is too hard)
1: Understand the mingw distribution and choose the msys to download. 
2: Install msys and answer the postinstall questions, e.g, something
about /etc/fstab which I thought was a unix-concept.
3: Open the msys shell and try to do what is said in the windows
installation instructions:
          ./configure --prefix='C:/Program Files/Emacs' \
            --with-texmf-dir='C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5'
4: configure: error: (X)Emacs not found!. Aborting!
5: Give up.

Last time I got an auctex installed I did it through eshell by
copy-pasting and trial-and-erroring the steps from the configure

In addition I need to change my Path variable which might not be what
I want.

The solution I would prefer would be either of:
- Double click on an installer
- Click on an install item in an emacs menu
- run a elisp script from the eshell
- run a elisp script from an open buffer in emacs

Brian (remove the sport for mail)

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