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[AUCTeX] TeX-command-list

From: gerald . jean
Subject: [AUCTeX] TeX-command-list
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:46:36 -0500

Hello there,

I have switched to 11.84 a couple months ago, mostly happy with it!  In
previous versions the following code, in my .emacs file worked well, doing
what I wanted.  This time I am havind difficulties with having the ps files
opened with GhostScript ( the Print command) and I also would like to have
"Other" tie up to "ps2pdf" on the current file, this is not working either?
The other commands work fine.

Any gurus can suggest how to accomplish what I want?  I have not messed
with TeX-command-list.

(global-set-key [(control f5)] 'do-Other)      ; ps2pdf the current file
(global-set-key [(control f7)] 'do-DVIPS)      ; DVIPS the current file
(global-set-key [(control f8)] 'do-PSview)     ; PSview the current file
(global-set-key [(control f9)] 'do-LaTeX)      ; LaTeX the current file
(global-set-key [(control f10)] 'do-DVIview)   ; DVIview the current file
(defun do-LaTeX ()
   "LaTeX the curent file."
   (TeX-command "LaTeX" 'TeX-master-file))
(defun do-DVIview ()
   "YAPview the curent file."
   (TeX-command "View" 'TeX-master-file))

;;If you do not want to use the pull-down menu "Command" for dvips
(defun do-DVIPS ()
   "DVIPS the curent file."
   (TeX-command "File" 'TeX-master-file))
(defun do-PSview ()
   "PSview the curent file."
   (TeX-command "Print" 'TeX-master-file))
(defun do-Other ()
   "ps2pdf on the curent file."
   (TeX-command "Other" 'TeX-master-file))


Gérald Jean
Conseiller senior en statistiques, Actuariat
télephone            : (418) 835-4900 poste (7639)
télecopieur          : (418) 835-6657
courrier électronique: address@hidden

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