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Re: [avr-chat] AVR on the Mac

From: Peter Harrison
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] AVR on the Mac
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2009 22:35:56 +0000

On 28 Feb 2009, at 18:02, Thomas Holland wrote:


the AVR Eclipse plugin (http://avr-eclipse.sourceforge.net ) also works on a Mac, so you can use the powerful Eclipse IDE for AVR development.

Disclaimer: I am the author of the AVR Eclipse Plugin.



I have now downloaded Eclipse and the plug-in. Excellent. Really. I have heard folk moan about the sheer weight of Eclipse but it looks good to me. The plug-in does just what I would hope - and more. I am curious to know how it knew where the AVRMacPack stuff was. Since it is platform independent - how does it find the compiler tools?

Anyway, I also loaded up the free Hi-Tide package from Hitech. This I now realise is just another installation of Eclipse but with a compiler that won't do optimisation. I shall be saying goodbye to that before I go to bed then.

In the past I have found the simulator in AVR Studio to be very useful but I guess I can learn to live without it. I have never had any use for on-chip debugging but that looks like it might have to change.

Thanks to Thomas Holland for his efforts with the plug-in.


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