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Re: [avr-gcc-list] (AT90can128) CAN doesn't work

From: Ollinad
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] (AT90can128) CAN doesn't work
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 15:39:56 -0300

It is not returning MOB_RX_COMPLETED, because the RXEN doesn't set.

I have a sender at90can, wich I am almost sure that works (osciloscope), and the sender and the receiver are at the same frequency, same baudrate and same everything...

I think that the problem is that I'm not using the can transceiver (f.g. ATADAPCAN01), so ,  the receiver do not has the correct sinal in it rx pin, so the sender keeps having an ACK error....

What do you think?

Thanks for the patience... ;-)

2005/10/4, Alan Kilian <address@hidden>:
On Mon, 2005-10-03 at 18:14 -0300, Ollinad wrote:

>         while(can_getstatus(&msg) != CAN_STATUS_COMPLETED);

> but it nevers get out of the second loop...

    What value is being returned by can_getstatus()?

    That should allow you to walk through the code in the library

    and learn a little bit more about WHY it's not returning

- Alan Kilian <kilian(at)bobodyne.com>

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