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RE: [avr-gcc-list] AVRDude serial access problem under WinXP

From: Vrudny, Noah O
Subject: RE: [avr-gcc-list] AVRDude serial access problem under WinXP
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 12:45:55 -0600

Sorry, I'm not sure my last post made it to the list, I will try again!
Thanks for the replies!
To clarify and answer some of your questions; yes these boards have a boot 
loader pre-installed and a power-on sequence to enable it. All that remains is 
to download to the flash using the serial plug that is on the board.
(These boards are from ChipCon for development of 802.15 wireless networks and 
Yes I am sure that com2 is the port assigned to the USB converter. I did that 
manually through the windows control panel. I also tried all other port numbers 
available, and ended up with same results, so I just left it at com2 for no 
apparent reason.
Here is the command-line function that gets typed from the make file:
avrdude -p atmega128 -P com2 -c stk500 -U flash:w:test_led.hex
so, I am using stk500 as the programmer. I have not tried using a different 
programmer, since the documentation I have refers to this programmer. Let me 
know if you think I may have better luck with a different one.
Thanks again,

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