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Re: [Axiom-developer] axiom on Mac OSX

From: Kai Kaminski
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] axiom on Mac OSX
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 18:22:26 +0200

Hi William,

since I'm using OS X myself I'd be much interested in an OS X
port. I've tried to compile Axiom on Panther a few weeks ago and it
didn't work either. Just like you I had (different) problems
concerning C library functions or header files. I've studied some of
the C code in some detail and I have the impression that almost all C
code is for the HyperDoc, Graphics or the management processes (axiom,
session manager etc). There seem to be only very few places
(sockio.lisp, cfuns.lisp, unlisp.lisp, hash.lisp) where AXIOMsys uses
C code. When I last looked at this code it didn't seem to have much
potential for compilation problems. Besides most of it could be
replaced by dummy functions (for example in
sockio.lisp.pamphlet). Compiling AXIOMsys would already allow using
most of Axiom's functionality (everything but HyperDoc and Graphics
pretty much) as well as the Emacs and Texmacs interfaces.


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