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Re: [Axiom-developer] Building Axiom

From: root
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] Building Axiom
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 09:00:18 -0400

>   The time it takes to build Axiom is prohibitive.  
> If the build is done only once a day, that is probably alright.
> However, when several iterations are done in a day, it becomes
> unbearable.   
> What can be done to improve the build time?
> -- Gaby
> PS: yes, I consider that I have relatively "fast" machines.

three possibilities.... first, the whole point of using 'make'
is that you don't have to do a full build except the first time.
unfortunately you are working on the makefiles which is a very
rare situation. i know it is painful (from experience) but it
would be useless to optimize build times since almost no-one
else will have the problem.

second, do machine-parallel builds. fix a problem on one machine
and while it builds, move to the next machine.

third, have the build check for obj/sys/bin/lisp and if it exists
skip the lisp build step (unless you are hacking that makefile).


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