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Re: [Axiom-mail] Data structure for object definition

From: C Y
Subject: Re: [Axiom-mail] Data structure for object definition
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 08:38:21 -0700 (PDT)

--- root <address@hidden> wrote:

> > On a slightly related note, how many "old new worlds", are there in
> the
> > intepreter?  I've been reading the source codes, and each refers to
> > "old" something, "new" something, "Davenport's new world", etc.
> > Without proper documentation it is all confusing :-(
> if you're truly bored there is a video somewhere online of a talk
> i gave to the Lisp-NYC group about code archeology within axiom.
> it addresses this very point. i have no idea where the video lives
> but i know it exists as i've seen portions of it.

It's probably somewhere in here:

I downloaded it successfully once, but I no longer have the exact URLs
and I neglected to save the files when I re-did my system last weekend
as they are rather large.  (Currently the ftp site won't let me on for
some reason).  I extracted the audio to wav files and I may still have
that somewhere.  Dunno what the copyright would be on the video (Tim?
Lispnyc?  Whoever filmed it?) but if Tim is interested I can try to
find the audio files and upload them somewhere (I can also oggenc them
which would probably help the size.)  I think there are four clips, the
last one of which is only like 1 and a half minutes.  Not a complete
video, but what was there was very interesting!


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