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Re: [be] bibledit-bibletime-1.1 error

From: Daniel Owens
Subject: Re: [be] bibledit-bibletime-1.1 error
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 07:36:21 -0500
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Thank you for the rapid and effective response! I have it installed and running. Bibledit-gtk and bibledit-web are synchronizing with each other well. But I can't seem to get BibleTime to work. Granted, I am running Bibletime 2.9.0_beta1. In the bibledit-bibletime window the reference in Bibledit (either one) displays as the focus. At the top is the message: "BibleTime is running on the DBus as service info.bibletime.BibleTime" then after the information for "Message from Bibledit-Web:" is "Message to BibleTime: syncAllVerseBasedModules Gen.1.12." Could it be a problem with the version of BibleTime I am running?


On 09/22/2011 01:21 AM, Teus Benschop wrote:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `*.1', needed by `all-am'.  Stop.
Sorry, it is my fault. It has been fixed, not only in package
bibledit-bibletime, but also in bibledit-xiphos, which suffered from the
same problem. The new tarballs will be uploaded within days to their
usual locations, and are available for immediate access here:

Does anyone know if the crosswire ppa may update its bibledit
packages sometime to include bibledit-bibletime? I had thought
that reference
May I look at you Jonathan, for the request that was made for packages
for bibledit-bibletime? I know your time is limited though. If there
would be time, it would be nice if also bibledit-xiphos could be
packaged, and also both packages for Debian.

Both of these packages ensure that Xiphos and BibleTime scroll to the
passage that Bibledit-Gtk and Bibledit-Web display.

There are similar programs for BibleWorks, for Paratext and related, and
for the Online Bible. But these programs are for Windows, thus may not
need to be packaged, but can be installed on Windows or on Linux through
wine or cxoffice.

Thanks for finding the error, Daniel, and providing the opportunity to
discuss this as it is new to many I believe.


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