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Re: [Bug-tar] Possible bug in 1.26 version ?

From: Joerg Schilling
Subject: Re: [Bug-tar] Possible bug in 1.26 version ?
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 13:02:49 +0200
User-agent: nail 11.22 3/20/05

shift <address@hidden> wrote:

> I think there is a bug in version 1.26 when untarring archive with 
> symlinks inside. I've noticed this problem when tried to compile OpenWRT 
> image and I can only suggest using it in order to reproduce the problem. 
> I'm using debian testing 64-bit build and tar version is 1.26 and I have 
> a problem. Please keep in mind that there is no problem in 32-bit 
> version of tar 1.26 !!! My solution was to downgrade version to 1.23 on 
> 64-bit. Now I do not have any problems. I'm very sorry if my 
> reproduction steps is using OpenWRT, but it's easy and fast. So:
> 1. Prepare your system as stated here 
> http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/buildroot.exigence#table.of.known.prerequisites.and.their.corresponding.packages
> 2. mkdir ~/openwrt
> 3.cd ~/openwrt
> 4. svn co svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk/ cd trunk
> 5. ./scripts/feeds update -a
> 6. ./scripts/feeds install -a
> 7. echo CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx=y > .config
> 8. make defconfig
> 9. make download
> 10. make (it will take long)
> Now the interesting part begins!!!!
> 11. make target/sdk/install V=99
> 12. you'll get an error about permission denied
> 13. if you look at target/sdk/makefile you'll find line such as:
>          $(TAR) -cf - -C $(TOPDIR) \
>          $(foreach exclude,$(EXCLUDE_DIRS),--exclude="$(exclude)") \
>          --exclude="staging_dir/$(ARCH)" \
>          staging_dir/host 
> staging_dir/target-$(ARCH)$(ARCH_SUFFIX)_$(LIBC)-$(LIBCV)$(if 
> $(CONFIG_arm),_eabi) \
> staging_dir/toolchain-$(ARCH)$(ARCH_SUFFIX)_gcc-$(GCCV)_$(LIBC)-$(LIBCV)$(if 
> $(CONFIG_arm),_eabi) | \
>          $(TAR) -xf - -C $(SDK_BUILD_DIR)

Am I correct that the problem appears when extracting?

Note that the create command line uses some options that are not supported by 
tar, so it would be not a simple name swap to replace gtar in your call.

The extract command however looks mostly OK ("tar -xf -" is not supported but 
could easily be replaced by the official "tar xf -"). So don't you try to use 
"star" to check whether your problem is caused by gtar or by the OS?


 EMail:address@hidden (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
       address@hidden                (uni)  
       address@hidden (work) Blog: http://schily.blogspot.com/
 URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily

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