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Re: [Chicken-users] SRFIs 34, 35 and 36

From: Joerg F. Wittenberger
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] SRFIs 34, 35 and 36
Date: 28 Feb 2003 14:44:47 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp)

felix <address@hidden> writes:

> William Annis wrote:
> > Now that the SRFI has been accepted, are there plans to switch from
> > srfi-12 to 34?  I dropped the reference code into csi -hygienic and
> > all the examples worked, so it shouldn't be too difficult to roll in. 
> To be frank, I don't particularly like SRFI-34. The semantics of `raise'
> are (IMHO) unnecessarily complicated, and
> the whole idea of condition-type defining macros a la ML is not my
> idea of the "Scheme Way" (of which exist about as many as Scheme
> implementors ;-).

I gave an implementation of SRFI-34 a shot.  Seems to work, please

Please take it with a grain of salt: I have to admit, that there is s
variant of my code, which has a different (i.e., broken) semantic and
I don't understand quite why.  You've been warned.

Anyway, I still fail to see what is actually more complicated in the
semantics of 'raise' in comparision to 'abort'.


;; SRFI 34

(define-macro (guard clause . body)
  (let ([args (gensym)] )
      (lambda (,(car clause))
        (cond ,@(cdr clause)
              ,@(if (assq 'else (cdr clause))
                    `((else (raise ,(car clause)))))))
      (lambda () ,@body)) ) )


(define (##sys#raise x)
  (let ((handler-chain ##sys#current-exception-handler))
    (set! ##sys#current-exception-handler
          (cdr ##sys#current-exception-handler))
    ((car handler-chain) x)
    (set! ##sys#current-exception-handler handler-chain)))

(define (##sys#abort x)
  (##sys#raise x)
  (##sys#abort (make-property-condition 'exn 'message "exception handler 
returned")) )

(define (##sys#signal x)
  ((car ##sys#current-exception-handler) x) )

(define raise ##sys#raise)
(define abort ##sys#abort)
(define signal ##sys#signal)

(define ##sys#current-exception-handler
  ;; Exception-handler for the primordial thread:
  (let ([string-append string-append])
     (lambda (c)
       (when (##sys#structure? c 'condition)
             (case (##sys#slot (##sys#slot c 1) 0)
                (let* ([props (##sys#slot c 2)]
                       [msga (memq 'message props)]
                       [argsa (memq 'arguments props)]
                       [loca (memq 'location props)] )
                   (if msga
                       (let ([msg (cadr msga)]
                             [loc (and loca (cadr loca))] )
                         (if loc
                             (string-append "(" (##sys#symbol->qualified-string 
loc) ") " msg)
                             msg) )
                       "<exn: has no `message' property>")
                   (if argsa
                       (cadr argsa)
                       '() ) )
                  ((##sys#reset-handler)) ) ]
                (##sys#print "*** User interrupt ***\n" #f ##sys#standard-error)
                ((##sys#reset-handler)) ] 
                 "uncaught exception"
                 (cadr (memq 'reason (##sys#slot c 2))) )
                ((##sys#reset-handler)) ] ) )
         (list 'reason c)) ) )) ) )

(define (with-exception-handler handler thunk)
  (let ((handler-chain ##sys#current-exception-handler))
     (lambda () (set! ##sys#current-exception-handler
                      (cons handler handler-chain)))
     (lambda () (set! ##sys#current-exception-handler handler-chain)) )) )

;; SRFI 34 support

(define (with-exception-guard handler thunk)
    (lambda (return)
       (lambda (condition)
         (return (lambda () (handler condition))))
       (lambda ()
          (lambda args
            (return (lambda () (##sys#apply ##sys#values args)))) ) ) ) ) )) )

(define (current-exception-handler) (car ##sys#current-exception-handler))



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