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[Chicken-users] Chicken Gazette - Issue 7

From: Christian Kellermann
Subject: [Chicken-users] Chicken Gazette - Issue 7
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 14:10:10 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

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--[ Issue 7 ]-------------------------------------- G A Z E T T E
                               brought to you by the Chicken Team

== 0. Introduction

Welcome to issue 7 of the Chicken Gazette, today brought to you by Christian

== 1. The Hatching Farm - New Eggs & The Egg Repository

Last week has given egg authors a lot to do. The API for using regular
expressions in core chicken has been changed to irregex. This fine library by
Alex Shinn ( has been at work under
the hood for quite a while. The change now incorporates irregex as a regular
unit in chicken-core, which has a severe impact on how eggs have to include the
irregex symbols for usage. Peter Bex (
has written a nice summary on How to use irregex safely & responsibly
( on

Due to this change one could see a spike in eggs failing
as the API change has been comitted. Mario Goulart
(, Ivan Raikov
( and all the other egg authors
converted most of the failing eggs to the new API. At the time of writing this
27 eggs ( still need
your help! Please check the eggs you maintain whether they need care.

Peter also has added http-proxy support to http-client
( and would appreciate testing and
feedback on it.

Another Peter, Peter Lane (
added a wrapper for simple vector machines called libsvm
( to our egg pool. He also released
another version of leptonica (
Thanks Peter(s)!

== 2. The Core - Bleeding Edge Development

First of all as of October 6th chicken's development branch got a new snapshot:
4.6.3. Thanks to all the contributers that made this possible!

>From the NEWS file:

  * the `regex' library unit has been removed and is separately available as an 
    extension which should be fully backwards- compatible                       
  * `irregex' is now a core library unit and replaces the `regex' API           
  * `-frwapv' has been added to the default C compiler options                  
  * configuration-header fix for BSD systems (thanks to Peter Bex and Christian 
    Kellermann (            
  * added support for `pointer-vectors' (unit `lolevel'): make-pointer-vector   
    pointer-vector? pointer-vector-length pointer-vector-ref                    
  * added new foreign type `poiner-vector' which maps to `void **'              
  * new "implicit renaming" macro facility contributed by Peter Bex (see        
  * the warning shown when unimported identifiers are used in                   
    compiled modules now also shows the name of the procedure where             
    the identifier is referenced (suggested by Alaric Snell-Pym                 
  * the deprecated `random-seed' function has been removed                      
  * parameters are now settable and can be modified using `set!' (SRFI-17)      
  * the impementation of overflow-detection for arithmetic operations on        
    fixnums have been replaced and now allow using the full 63-bit range of     
    fixnums on 64-bit systems                                                   
  * fixed serious inlining-bug (thanks to Sven Hartrumpf                        

The curious and daring adventurers are invited to try and test this developer
release as hard as they can.

== 3. Chicken Talk

This week the chicken-user mailing list has been talking about the necessary
steps for egg authors to fix their eggs with the new irregex changes.

Daishi Kato (
raised the question on how to handle http multipart/form-data
( which is
still an open path that needs exploring.

Peter asked about the right way to install data files along eggs

Mario found some inconsistencies in the docs regarding require semantics

== 4. Omelette Recipes - Tips and Tricks

Today I want to direct your attention to a small egg that may help you in
writing nice visualisations: ezxdisp (
This wraps the small X11 library ( written by
n-sibata and Morihiko Tamai. Ezxdisp provides you with easy procedures to draw
basic 2d and 3d graphics on your X11 display. On Windows the native API is

>From a small hello world example

    (define ezx (ezx-init 100 100 "Hello, ezxdisp"))
    (ezx-set-background ezx (make-ezx-color 1 1 1))
    (ezx-fillcircle-2d ezx 50 50 25 (make-ezx-color 1 0 0))
    (ezx-redraw ezx)
    (let loop ()
      (let-values (((b _ _) (ezx-pushbutton ezx)))
    (ezx-quit ezx)

up to a 3d clock
all is possible.

This allows small and fast coding of processing (
like visualisations such as drawing Wolfram's automata

Have fun drawing!

== 5. About the Chicken Gazette

The Gazette is produced weekly by a volunteer from the Chicken community.
The latest issue can be found at or you can
follow it in your feed reader at
If you'd like to write an issue, check out the instructions
( and come and find us in
#chicken on Freenode!

[ --- End of this issue --- ]

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