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[Discuss-gnuradio] [Docker] New GNU Radio images with GUI support

From: Stefan Wunsch
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] [Docker] New GNU Radio images with GUI support
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2016 10:23:32 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.7.1

Hi all!

I have build a docker tool-chain for an image with GNU Radio and UHD
installed via PyBOMBS on top of Ubuntu. It's even possible to run it
dockerized with a GUI using VNC and it should work as well on windows
and mac (so far, not tested). The build files are available on github
and the precompiled images on hub.docker.com. If you are interested,
have a look! In the following, I will give a short description.

How to run the image with VNC server and how to access the container:

# Run the image with GNU Radio and VNC server:
# The run command will download (pull) the image automatically.
# Use the additional option '-device=/dev/bus/usb' for USB access,
# e.g., to use rtl dongles. You have to plugin the devices before you
# start the container!

$ docker run -it --rm -p 5901:5901 -e USER=root \
stwunsch/docker-pybombs-gnuradio-vnc bash -c \
"vncserver :1 -geometry 1280x800 -depth 24 && tail -F /root/.vnc/*.log"

# Get graphical access using a VNC client. I suppose you are running
# the container on the same machine. Here an example command using
# vncviewer. As well, it's possible to use X forwarding.

$ vncviewer localhost:5901

So far, it's only tested on a Linux machine, but it should work on every
system with an installed docker daemon. I was able to run a rtl dongle
with gr-osmosdr. To install new OOTs, just open a terminal and type, for
example, 'pybombs install gr-osmosdr'.

Here, the image chain. You can pull these images from hub.docker.com.
All images are build automatically on change of the appropriate GitHub
repository (except the GNU Radio base image, see below for more info on

Base-image: ubuntu 14.04
-> ubuntu + pybombs (stwunsch/docker-pybombs)
-> ubuntu + pybombs + uhd (stwunsch/docker-pybombs-uhd)
-> ubuntu + pybombs + uhd + gnuradio dependencies
-> ubuntu + pybombs + uhd + gnuradio (stwunsch/docker-pybombs-gnuradio)
-> ubuntu + pybombs + uhd + gnuradio + vnc server

A single problem so far: It is not possible to build the GNU Radio image
(docker-pybombs-gnuradio) on the docker servers, because they have a 2h
build limitation. I have preinstalled everything (pybombs and all
dependencies), but it is not possible to run the compilation below 2h on
a single core.

Does anyone know whether it's possible to split the compilation or speed
it up (without using the -jX flag)? Now the image has to be build
locally and then pushed to hub.docker.com manually. Not the best solution!

I would be highly interested whether it really works on other systems,
especially on windows! That could be a nice alternative to MSVC


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