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Re: defaults randomly being overwritten?

From: Ian Jones
Subject: Re: defaults randomly being overwritten?
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 16:24:39 +0000

Hi, thanks.

It looks this is a very high priority bug, but I can't reproduce it. I
tried building and installing your preferences bundle, and using it, and I
don't seem to get any user defaults corruption.

I would appreciate very much if someone who can reproduce the bug could
build a little testcase showing it, or at least track down in which part
of the gnustep-base code the problem happens, or under which conditions it
happens ... having something to start with would help a lot in fixing the

I was talking to Andy Ruder yesterday on IRC about the problem I was 
experiencing. He said that he had experienced strange behaviour when old 
versions of gdomap, gdnc and gpbs had not been killed explicitly. I stopped 
them all explicitly and now things seem to be working OK except when I am 
changing the defaults with my two bundles, say I check the check-box to hide 
default menus with my appearance bundle and then go to my font selection bundle 
and check the anti aliasing check-box it will undo the changes I made to the 
former even though I am synchronizing every time I change something.. Is this 
the normal behavior that should happen or am I going about it the wrong way?
I'm sorry about the seemingly false alarm on the defaults but I have heard 
others have similar but not quite so destructive things happen to their 
defaults so I thought that it wasn't just something I was experiencing, maybe 
this explains why. I'll certainly make sure I explicitly stop gdomap, gdnc and 
gpbs next time I update my gnustep.


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