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Re: Menu (Was: Re: Unimplemented AppKit classes)

From: Helge Hess
Subject: Re: Menu (Was: Re: Unimplemented AppKit classes)
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 21:42:47 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021130

Nicola Pero wrote:
If it has not the '#', it's a standard attribute and it's processed by the
tag as usual.

I used '#' because it was remining me of
  Go up the page to the <a href="#index">index</a>.

but probably any other syntax would have been good as well.

BTW: We are using XML namespaces for this. This has the advantage that the processing is already done by the XML parser (and it can be validated using XML-schema). It's also quite flexible since you can attach multiple semantics to a tag, eg:
  <button js:action="doIt()"/>
  <button objc:action="doIt:"/>
  <button notification:action="NSDoIt"/>
etc. (we use it to attach different WOAssociation subclasses to a WO binding)

And even better: in case the format is used by multiple implementations having different capabilities, they can be used together, eg

  <button js:action="doIt()" objc:action="doIt:"/>

not a really good example, but this way the processor would take the "action" which is best suited for the environment (eg if the host has no JavaScript, it would take the objc: action).


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