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Re: My GWorkspace feature request

From: MJ Ray
Subject: Re: My GWorkspace feature request
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 19:57:54 -0000
User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)

Alexander Perez <aperez@student.santarosa.edu> wrote:
> Just because you happen to not like the fact that we agree [...]

If you read my message, you will see that I do not complain about there
being people agreeing. I complain about useless noise that adds nothing
to the discussion on what is meant to be a discussion list.

> And while we're on the subject of whining about 'not justifying' your 
> position, all I have seen you do is describe context-sensitive menus by 
> using the derisive term 'mystery meat' without giving a clear explanation 
> of *WHY* you don't think it's a good idea. ("Because" is not sufficient)

Please don't fill your emails with personal attacks.  I have no idea
how you are judging intonation in plain text, but *phrrrrp* to your

These sort of hidden menus are a well-documented usability problem.
I'm sure that there are web sites documenting it, as well as being in
the normal books.

In summary, the problem is that you can't see what you can do until you
activate the magic menu, and you can't activate it unless you know it's
there.  The "click around a bit to discover" approach is a lot of wasted
effort, as magic menus are only sensible in a small number of cases.
Your message seems as if you think that there should be magic menus in
only a few places.  There is always a better solution, AFAICT.

MJR/slef   My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
      http://mjr.towers.org.uk/   jabber://slef@jabber.at
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