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Re: Buidling gui and back on Windows

From: Larry Cow
Subject: Re: Buidling gui and back on Windows
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 19:40:43 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (Windows/20040913)

Andreas Hoeschler a écrit :

please excuse my ignorance. I have just installed the Windows binary from www.gnustep.org on a windows machine and started msys. How do I proceed from here to get gui and base installed? Or even get a simple "hello world" tool compiled. What editor or command line tool are you guys using to edit source files on Windows? Is there any tutorial for getting started with GNUstep on Windows?

I'm not sure whether there are a tutorial, but it isn't very hard. Once you got make and base working (through Mingw and Msys), you need to download recent tarballs of gui and back. Either CVS snapshots or latest releases, it's up to you.

You can decompress those tarballs from msys without problem. But before compiling them, you will need a few libraries (with headers). IIRC, you'll need to have libjpeg, libungif, libpng and libtiff, compiled for windows. For each, you'll have to put the headers (*.h) in C:\GNUstep\Development\msys\1.0\mingw\include, and the rest (*.lib, *.a, *.def) in ...\mingw\lib.

Once it is done, you can run ./configure;make;make install for -gui and back. Here, you'll remove all options that don't fit.

For example, in order to compile -back, I needed to use the following configure:

./configure --disable-glx --disable-xim --disable-glitz --enable-graphics=winlib

If I didn't forget anything, you should have a running GNUstep, and be able to compile and launch apps like Ink or GFractal. Don't forget that gdomap, gdnc and gpbs aren't started automatically. Once in MSys, you need to launch each one before any GNUstep app. And keep in mind that some GNUstep apps or libs are dependant on unix things: there's very little chance you manage to run GWorkspace on windows.

Anyway, good luck ;)

Larry Cow

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