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Re: Look and Feel

From: Björn Giesler
Subject: Re: Look and Feel
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 16:15:39 +0100


Am 14.02.2005 um 15:44 schrieb Michael Thaler:
But I don't see a point in doing everything different just for the sake of

It's not being different for its own sake. There are a number of things that are (provably!) suboptimal in Windows, GNOME, KDE, MacOS 9 and MacOS X. E.g. the menubar at the top of every window is provably inferior to both MacOS's infinite-depth menubar *and* NeXT's floating palette style. The left-hand scroller is provably better than the right-hand scroller for left-to-right writing (as has been noted several times before in this thread. We can improve on that. We shouldn't throw away things we know to be better just because some people aren't used to them.

Another example: You talk about Cancel-OK versus OK-Cancel. *Both* OK *and* Cancel are bad choices that simplify the life of the programmer, not that of the user. What is actually *meant* is where the default button should be (i.e. that which minimizes damage), and if the dialog buttons are right-justified, it should of course be on the right, so that it minimizes change of position and maximizes recognition. Feng ShUI :-)

I think the current process of careful discussion of the differences is quite good. We have the chance to do things better than the others, and we shouldn't miss that chance. Also, I don't quite see the concerns. The people who complain about GNUstep's "strangeness" are often the same people who will happily claim that the GIMP is a good Photoshop replacement. In that case, they have no right bickering about non-"standard" widget placement at all. Don't hit me, I love the GIMP. But UI-wise it's quite catastrophic.

That being said, much of this is about functionality, and form follows that, but only to a certain degree. Or phrased differently, even with left-side scrollers, palette menus, appicons and whatnot, there is still a lot of freedom to make the desktop look more modern and more polished.

Dipl.-Inform. Björn Giesler <giesler@ira.uka.de>
Web: http://wwwiaim.ira.uka.de/users/giesler
Tel: +49-721-608-8308 Fax: +49-721-608-8270
Key: http://wwwiaim.ira.uka.de/users/giesler/bg.asc
Augmented Reality, 3D User Interfaces, Machine Vision, Robotics

Dipl.-Inform. Björn Giesler <giesler@ira.uka.de>
Web: http://wwwiaim.ira.uka.de/users/giesler
Tel: +49-721-608-8308 Fax: +49-721-608-8270
Key: http://wwwiaim.ira.uka.de/users/giesler/bg.asc
Augmented Reality, 3D User Interfaces, Machine Vision, Robotics

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