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Re: Command Key on Windows/Solaris

From: Adrian Robert
Subject: Re: Command Key on Windows/Solaris
Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 16:30:46 -0400

On May 13, 2005, at 3:13 PM, Andreas Höschler wrote:

I tried

        defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSFirstCommandKey Alt_L

Unfortunately this did not help. Alt-q etc. is still not working. Shouldn't it work now?

You might try to the GSTest app (ftp://ftp.gnustep.org/pub/gnustep/core/gnustep-examples -1.0.0.tar.gz)

and try the KeyboardInput test. You can press different keys and figure out what keys GNUstep thinks are mapped to various functions.

When I press the key (Windows-Key on the Sun-Keyboard), I get keyCode = 234. All the other fields are empty so it is not recognized as a modifier key. Any chance I can make it the command key?

The modifier recognition code in gnustep is keyed to keysym, not keycode. I can't recall whether the key being a "modifier" in X's eyes matters. Either way you'll have to use xmodmap or a similar solution to assign a keysym to keycode 234. Then try telling gnustep that keysym is your left command. If it still doesn't work, you can try using xmodmap to make 234 recognized as a "modifier" key (but I don't think you need to do this).

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