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Re: GNUstep on 10.7

From: Gregory Casamento
Subject: Re: GNUstep on 10.7
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 12:54:10 -0400

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Richard Frith-Macdonald
<richard@tiptree.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Greg, I think you misread the original post in this thread ...

I realized I did soon after I hit "send" but it was already too late
at that point.

> The original question was about using libPerformance on OSX (one of a few 
> libraries I've written. ad a few others have contributed to, primarily for 
> server process work, and contributed to the FSF).
> This was not about using the GNUstep core libraries.
> Now you might well want to use libPerformance with the Apple Foundation if 
> you want to write a better program on Cocoa, since it contains functionality 
> Apple don't provide.
> In fact, you might well want to build base with the Apple Foundation (in 
> which case it should just build the base additions library) for the extra 
> classes we provide which are not available normally on OSX.
> And of course, if you want to build these libraries for use on OSX, would 
> also want to install gnustep-make (to build them).
> So in fact there are good technical reasons to want to build most parts of 
> GNUstep on OSX even if you intend to use the Apple native runtime and 
> Foundation frameworks, and this is what the original poster was asking about.
> I don't own a copy of OSX 10.7, but perhaps I should buy one in order to port 
> at least the non-gui parts of GNUstep to it.

Yes, I understand and that does make perfect sense.

I had originally thought that the purpose was to get core working on
10.7 which I didn't see the point of even though I wouldn't object to
it.  Apologies for the misunderstanding on my part.

Later, GC
Gregory Casamento - GNUstep Lead/Principal Consultant, OLC, Inc.
yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
(240)274-9630 (Cell)

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