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[DMCA-Activists] Re: [DMCA_Discuss] NY Arena Outreach, 5/17/03 and 5/10/

From: Anatoly Volynets
Subject: [DMCA-Activists] Re: [DMCA_Discuss] NY Arena Outreach, 5/17/03 and 5/10/03
Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 10:29:42 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 25 May 2003, Seth Johnson wrote:

> 5/17/03:
> Last Saturday, New Yorkers for Fair Use did 4 hours of street outreach on
> 7th Avenue in Brooklyn.
> One volunteer approached 180 passers-by with a pitch about stopping
> Palladium and TCPA before they get deployed.  Out of those approaches, 7
> people volunteered for Press Outreach.
> Combined with results from previous Street Outreach tactics, we have a total
> of 144 volunteers added to our database.
> Seth Johnson
> ----
> 5/10/03:
> On Saturday, May 10, New Yorkers for Fair Use did street outreach on 7th
> Avenue in Brooklyn, recruiting volunteers to help build the strength of the
> information freedom struggle.
> Three NY Fair Users approached 137 passers-by with a pitch about stopping
> Palladium and TCPA before they get deployed.  Out of those approaches, 17
> people volunteered for various roles, most commonly Press Outreach
> Campaigners.  That gives us a parity rate of 12.4%.
> Combined with results from previous Street Outreach tactics, we have added
> 137 volunteers to our database.
> Seth Johnson
> _______________________________________________

Hi Seth,
I wonder who the volunteers are? In terms of occupation,
education and age?
Do they continue to do something?


A discussion may always bring valuable fruits if interlocutors
assume responsibility for every single word they say. That is
they respect logic and each other, that is they are honest. I
derived 7 checkpoints to make sure I meet my responsibilities in
a discussion: 1. Always answer, and always answer to that exact
question or argument, which is stated by your opponent; 2. Do
not use fallacies, which actually means: never change premises
of your opponent; 3. Do not hang on every single word, but try
to keep up with the whole and ideas; 4. If disagree with a
language, argue this separately; 5. Try to be short;  6. If
cannot answer, state this openly; 7. If want to change the rule
set, state this openly.

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