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Re: [Dragora-bug] how to complete my installation?

From: Marek Buras
Subject: Re: [Dragora-bug] how to complete my installation?
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 04:42:43 +0100


Dnia 2013-03-27, śro o godzinie 21:30 +0100, address@hidden pisze:
> Hi 
> Using Puppy Linux (thank you Puppy Linux, you open us the way
> to do intuitive that what is not clearly explained in the doc of other
> distro's) I did open my ISO (one hit on it in Rox) and find in
> /mnt/sda5/isos/dragora-2.2.i486.iso/packages a list named
> «packages.txt». Having the list did I search with geany (of Puppy Linux)
> where my 5 packages, 2 files each (*.tlz + *.tlz.sig each) are to find
> where and did copy (drag + drop) them into /mnt/sda3/root (my
> dragora-partition). 
> And after rebooting into dragora, I did enter in
> the console in commando line: 
> _$ pkg add kernel*_ 
> etc. 

You can also mount ISO images using ordinary mount command. Let's say
you have /mnt/iso directory (you can create it as root using 'mkdir
-p /mnt/iso'), then you can do:
mount -o loop /path/to/your/dragora.iso /mnt/iso

Then just change directory to the one that contains packages and do all
'pkg add' magic you need ;-)

You can also install all packages from that directory using:
find /mnt/iso -type f -name "*.tlz" -exec pkg add {} \;
However, this might not be safe...
At the end, remember to unmount it with: umount /mnt/iso

> The clock is not right 

Clock can be set with "date" command. Use "man date" for more details.
You can use hwclock command to save the time settings to the BIOS. See
man hwclock for details. As far as I remember there is no ntpdate
command on Dragora and I don't know how to sync the clock using NTP
protocol on this system.

> Xdm starts not himself but can
> be started extra out the console. 

Please check if its "service" is properly configured:

1. Is there "xdm" directory inside /service ? (should be symbolic link
to /etc/sv/xdm)
2. Is /service/xdm/run executable?

If not, create missing files:
ln -s /etc/sv/xdm /service/
chmod +x /etc/sv/xdm/run (just to be sure)

> dhcp doesn't start = the distro is
> not really usable, as the most what I do, I do it in the web... 
> I did
> find a command dhcpd but it claims absence of configuration. 
> And I
> find no explanation what is the matter with the 2. ISO
> (dragora-2.2-plus.iso) to install it easily and work with it. 
> What is
> to do especially for the dhcp? 

dhcpd is a DHCP server. dhclient is a DHCP client, so you can use it
with: dhclient eth0 (assuming eth0 is your network interface).
Does wicd daemon work for you? If not, try looking at /service directory
(there should be wicd symlink inside /service. If not, you can create it
similarly to "xdm case"). wicd package has a graphical tool for
configuring your network and can be used to manage your connection. If
that's not what you want, you can start dhclient with system boot
in /etc/rc.d/rc.local (this script should be executable)

--- 8< ---
# Part of /etc/rc.d/rc.local
# if there is /sbin/dhclient executable binary, start it on eth0 
# interface
[ -x /sbin/dhclient ] && /sbin/dhclient eth0
--- 8< ---

I'm not on Dragora currently and typed all of this from memory, so there
may be some mistakes. Dragorians, feel free to correct me ;-)

Hope that helps.
Happy hacking!
Marek Buras
cyfr0n (at) go2.pl

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