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[Duplicity-talk] Exclude pattern help?

From: David Rea
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] Exclude pattern help?
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 20:18:51 -0400

Hi All-

I've been a happy duplicity user (and advocate) for a couple years now, but lately my backups were getting a little bloated. I was looking for a way to exclude certain files (like ISOs, e-books, etc.) that can be recovered by some other means with relative ease, but not have to munch my globbing-filelist every time I wanted to add an exclusion.

What I came up with was to include the string "[[!BU]]" in any filename or directory name that I wanted to exclude from the backup, and modify my backup command to this:

duplicity full -v0 --scp-command 'scp -q' --exclude '**[[!BU]]**' --include-globbing-filelist /home/ddr4179/backup/rsync.net-backuplist-20070615.txt --exclude '**' / scp://address@hidden/backup_folder 2>&1 | logger -t "backupscript-monthly"

Unfortunately, the --exclude '**[[!BU]]**' seems to only match files that contain the no-backup string in their filenames, but not directories. The man page says the --exclude pattern will match iff "the file is inside a directory matched by the option", but in my case directories with this marking (and their contents) are still being backed up.

Also, the 2>&1 | logger... pipe at the end of the command doesn't seem to be putting anything in my logs... Did I mess it up?

Thanks in advance,

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