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Re: [Duplicity-talk] problems with decryption gpg times out

From: edgar . soldin
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] problems with decryption gpg times out
Date: Thu, 12 May 2016 13:47:47 +0200
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do you (your mail server) by any chance use blocklists . in my experience 
mailing list smtp servers sometimes end up on some blocklist provider and it'll 
take some time until they are removed again.

John: don't you receive any mail from the list or only the one's you sent into 
the ml?
Ken: can you provide me admin access to the ml?


On 11.05.2016 22:09, address@hidden wrote:
> I run my own mail server, so its something on the other end.  If someone
> wants to check the logs for mailman and for the mta its using, we can
> see if a message is actually being sent to me, if so, we can proceed
> from there.
> T. Prost <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Am Samstag, den 07.05.2016, 09:06 -0400 schrieb address@hidden:
>>> Thanks, I will check this out.  I don't know why I am not getting my
>>> mail, I get mail from others, just not what I post.  Other lists work
>>> fine, so its strange.
>> Sounds like what I'm seeing with GMail. Maybe your provider uses
>> asimilar structure ?
>>> address@hidden wrote:
>>>> On 07.05.2016 08:48, address@hidden wrote:
>>>>> Hi.  I am not getting my own messages, so I don't know if anything gets
>>>>> through, but I have some more information about this problem.
>>>> the list works fine. check your spam folders or whatever, this message as 
>>>> well as the other one went through. i assume you generally receive mails 
>>>> from the list as you are posting here, but just in case i'll cc you 
>>>> directly.
>>>>> I did a google search and apparently this has something to do with using
>>>>> gpg 2.1.  I have been trying different combinations of gpg options such
>>>>> as --pinentry-mode loopback and allow-pinentry-mode in my
>>>>> gpg-agent.conf, but I seem to have no way to enter my password, so I can
>>>>> decrypt a volume!  Not much point in backing up, if you can't restore.
>>>> yeah, gpg decided to make it really difficult to pump passwords into gpg 
>>>> 2.1+ via shell. what you need is
>>>> https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/duplicity-talk/2015-07/msg00068.html
>>>>> Without duplicity, I can enter my password for gpg fine, but no
>>>>> combination if exporting the password or not is working for me.
>>>>> Please help if you can.
>>>> additionally you may want to try duply, which tests if your given gpg 
>>>> settings work as expected before running duplicity itself.
>>>> ..ede/duply.net
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