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Re: [Dvipng] Adding tikz/pgf support to dvipng?

From: Jan-Åke Larsson
Subject: Re: [Dvipng] Adding tikz/pgf support to dvipng?
Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2007 12:43:56 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070830)

Paul Mantz wrote:
> I'm interested to know if there are any plans to add tikz/pgf support
> to dvipng, and complications arise in this situation.

As far as I understand, tikz/pgf can output PostScript (or code fit for
dvips, at least). In that case, the CVS version of dvipng should be able
to handle it. Please try it out, an report success/failure to me.

(I have unfortunately been unable to make the documentation examples in
pgf-1.18 to even produce a DVI, my error is

ERROR: Undefined control sequence.

--- TeX said ---
l.20 \usepgflibrary

this is the first code line in tikz.sty)


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            traditions of sorcery and black art.

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