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Re: Difficult compilation setup for nonstandard paths

From: Kai Großjohann
Subject: Re: Difficult compilation setup for nonstandard paths
Date: 04 Jan 2001 00:17:52 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.090001 (Oort Gnus v0.01) Emacs/21.0.95

On 03 Jan 2001, Dave Love wrote:

>>>>>> "KG" == Kai Großjohann <address@hidden>
>>>>>> writes:
>  KG> Right now, I set the environment variables C_INCLUDE_PATH and
>  KG> LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the right directories, and CFLAGS
>  KG> gets the appropriate -I options, and LDFLAGS gets -L and -R
>  KG> options.
> That looks redundant.  Why do you need the compiler variables and
> the make variables?

I don't.  I didn't know that I had to set CPPFLAGS, not CFLAGS.  Sorry
about this.  Of course, with setting the wrong variable, configure
couldn't find the *.h files and then everything went wrong.

Should the mechanism for specifying pathes for additional libraries be
documented in some way?  Maybe in the INSTALL file?  (I only looked
there.  Maybe this was also stupid.)


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