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Kevin Rodgers changes

From: Chong Yidong
Subject: Kevin Rodgers changes
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2007 15:23:33 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.97 (gnu/linux)

Currently, Kevin Rodger's unassigned extant Emacs contributions
consist of 12 changes, totalling 26 lines.

In addition, he has two small manual changes that should be rewritten:

2006-12-08 files.texi (Misc File Ops): Document insert-file-literally.
2006-12-23 killing.texi (Deletion): Describe M-\ prefix argument.

Richard, can we proceed without Kevin's assignment if these manual
changes are made?

== Details: ==========================================================

Here is an updated list of Kevin Rodger's changes to Emacs (apart from
the above manual changes), divided into four categories.

  (1) Small but non-trivial changes currently in Emacs.
  (2) Changes we don't need to worry about (one-character typos etc).
  (3) Some unimportant changes that I went ahead and reverted.
  (4) Changes that were subsequently deleted or overwritten.

I have not reverted any of his changes that would lead to loss of user
functionality.  If we do that, the number of items in category (1) can
be further reduced.  But 26 lines is surely safe enough.


(1) Existing changes:

1994-06-17  mailabbrev.el  (1 line change)
  (build-mail-abbrevs): Pass a recursivep argument in recursive call.

1994-07-11  mailabbrev.el  (1 line change)
  (define-mail-abbrev): Don't try to parse empty aliases.

1995-03-23 print.c (1 line change)
  (temp_output_buffer_setup): (Re)set the default directory of the
  temp buffer to that of the current buffer.

1995-05-19 mailalias.el (2 line change)
  (expand-mail-aliases): Expand aliases in From and Reply-to headers as
  well, plus the Resent- variants.

1995-06-30 mailabbrev.el (1 line change)
  (mail-resolve-all-aliases-1): Downcase address before recursive call.

1995-11-10  files.el (2 line change)
  (find-file-noselect): Respect the value of find-file-visit-truename
  when FILENAME is a directory and find-file-run-dired is non-nil.

1998-06-03 replace.el (1 line change)
  (esc-map): Bind C-M-% to query-replace-regexp.

1997-12-22 simple.el (5 line change)
  (previous-matching-history-element): Bind case-fold-search to nil if
  REGEXP contains an uppercase letter.

1996-10-20 compile.el (1 line change)
  (compilation-skip-to-next-location): Defined.

2003-03-06 ffap.el (1 line change)
  (dired-at-point): Check whether the user can create a directory
  before asking about creating it.

2005-08-20 progmodes/compile.el (9 line change)
  (compilation-disable-input): New defcustom.
  (compilation-start): If compilation-disable-input is non-nil, send
  EOF to the compilation process.

2006-12-30 files.el (1 line change)
  (backup-buffer): Show entire backup file name in msg.


(2) Existing changes that we don't have to worry about

1998-07-07 vc.el (KR has papers for VC)

2003-09-01 progmodes/compile.el (code copied from next-error)
  (previous-error): Accept a prefix argument, similarly to next-error.

2006-12-22 progmodes/sh-script.el (typo, noncreative)
  (sh-make-vars-local): Fix a typo in message string.


(3) Changes that have been reverted.

1995-05-19 sendmail.el
  (mail-mode): Clarify doc string.
  (mail-text): Ditto.

1997-11-02 emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el
  (byte-optimize-concat): New function.

1998-08-26 isearch.el
  (isearch-forward): Doc fix.

2003-03-07 dired-x.el
  (dired-guess-shell-case-fold-search): New user option.
  (dired-guess-default): Use it.

2004-11-12 desktop.el
  (desktop-create-buffer, desktop-save): Avoid some consing by using
  mapc instead of mapcar.

2003-07-25 menu-bar.el
  (menu-bar-tools-menu): Minor change in strings.

2007-03-04 diff-mode.el
  (diff-mode): Doc fix.

2006-01-27 textmodes/flyspell.el
  (flyspell-incorrect, flyspell-duplicate): Doc fix.


(4) Obsoleted changes (code that has been subsequently deleted from Emacs)

1994-08-26 xfns.c (Fx_color_defined_p has been deleted)
  (Fx_color_defined_p): Return list of RGB values, not just t.

1995-04-20 dired-x.el (dired-omit-files-p has been deleted)
  Change the instructions in the INSTALLATION comment block to set
  buffer-local variables like dired-omit-files-p in dired-mode-hook.
  (dired-omit-files-p): Make local to all buffers.
  (dired-omit-files): Fix doc string (not buffer-local).
  (dired-omit-startup): Don't need to make dired-omit-files-p
  local to buffer here.

1995-12-13 ange-ftp.el (code rewritten using new process functions)
  (ange-ftp-load): Added missing form to `cdr' down tryfiles in
  `while' loop.

1996-09-12 loadhist.el  (reimplemented by KFS)
  (read-feature): New function.
  (unload-feature): Read FEATURE interactively with read-feature.

1996-11-04 compile.el (this code has been completely rewritten)
  (compile-highlight-display-limit): New variable.
  (compilation-handle-exit): Parse error messages here as specified by
  (compile-reinitialize-errors): Add highlighting to error messages
  once they are parsed.
  (compilation-forget-errors): Remove highlighting properties here.

1997-03-24 compile.el (this has been rewritten; see KFS's email)
  (grep-program): New variable.
  (grep-command): Use it, and test whether it supports the -e
  option; fix doc string (last command is stored in history variable).
  (grep-null-device): Declare before grep-program and grep-command.
  (grep-find-use-xargs, grep-find-command, grep-find-history):
  New variables.
  (grep-find): New command.
  (grep): Only concatenate grep-null-device to COMMAND when it's
  not nil (to support grep-find).

1997-12-22 simple.el (these doc fixes have been overwritten)
  (previous-matching-history-element, next-matching-history-element):
  Doc fixes.

1996-10-20 compile.el (this code has been completely rewritten)
  (compilation-next-error-locus, compilation-parse-errors): Respect

2005-12-10 emacs-lisp/lisp.el (rewritten by Stefan Monnier on 2005-12-21)
  (lisp-complete-symbol): Regenerate the completion list, even after a
  partial completion has been inserted in the current buffer.  If
  there are more than 1 completion, redisplay the *Completions*
  buffer; if the completion is unique, delete the *Completions*

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