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RE: New keybinding suggestion: C-x _ for `shrink-window'

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: New keybinding suggestion: C-x _ for `shrink-window'
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 13:31:22 -0800

> I have worked a bit with bw-interactive.el along the ideas that have
> surfaced here (and some I had before). I have renamed it to winsize.el.
> It is mainly restructured for more flexibility. And some bugs have
> probably been fixed + the features are more worked through.
> The resizing is done with the arrow keys. Switching borders and windows
> are done with META-arrow keys. For more info see the help (just type ?
> for that).

Some feedback from very quick testing - I used the config given by M-x
resize-windows 3 2 3 2.

1. In addition to the test frame, I had also another frame showing the same
file (your file). The latter frame was scrolled down to show command
resize-windows. I put the cursor in one of the windows on the other frame
and used M-x resize-windows. The second frame was scrolled to the top.
That's a bug, IMO: Other frames should not be affected, and no window should
be scrolled, just because I'm resizing windows. I had to copy the code to
another buffer, just to be able to continue seeing it while executing

2. M-left/right does not let you get to all windows (but you can click
mouse-1 to get there). Actually, the problem seems to be the same as for
window-edit: the cursor must be on a line that is adjacent to the window to

3. So allow C-n, C-f, etc. to move the cursor without exiting. That way, you
can use M-<arrow> to get to any window you want, using just the keyboard.

4. No need to highlight the mode lines of all windows. It would be helpful
to highlight only the border to be moved - perhaps by showing the
corresponding fringe specially temporarily (left/right) or highlighting the
appropriate mode line (only).

5. Highlighting the window background is not a great way to indicate the
border that will be moved. But it does help show which window has the focus.
IMO, it would be better to not reuse face `secondary-selection', but define
a new one just for this.

6. You should not exit window resizing just because you click somewhere
outside the frame that has the windows to be resized, or even outside Emacs
(the latter happens only sometimes).

7. I hit `?' for help. I got no help, and all of the windows were blown away
except one. I tried it other times, and the frame itself was blown away. The
latter effect is from my code, but it indicates that `delete-window' was
called for the last remaining window.

8. Some way to save and restore window configs would be nice.

9. Sometimes, I need to press M-left (or right etc) to get it to take
effect - the first press does nothing.

10. There is no feedback when resizing is not possible - the keys just seem
not to work.

11. `=' in lower left window (configuration 3 2 3 2), causes the two windows
above it to have the same width. What does "Make current window siblings the
same height or width." mean? Does it mean make the siblings the same
height/width as each other or the same as the selected window? Sometimes it
seems to be one, sometimes the other.

12. `-' seems to do nothing.


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