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Re: Composing Hebrew diacriticals

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: Re: Composing Hebrew diacriticals
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 20:02:09 +0900

In article <address@hidden>, Yair F <address@hidden> writes:

> On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 3:42 AM, Kenichi Handa <address@hidden> wrote:
> > Then please find why maybe_otf and otf are set to zero by
> > stepping through the code of ftfont_get_otf which is called
> > from ftfont_shape.

> ftfont_get_otf sets otf only if maybe_otf != 0.

> maybe_otf is initialized from ft_face->face_flags in xftfont_open.
> For David CLM maybe_otf = 0 because ft_face->face_flags = 2577.
> For Dejavu Sans maybe_otf = 8 because ft_face->face_flags = 2649.

That's very strange.  Perhaps your David CLM font is
different from mine.

In freetype.h, FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT is explained as this:

  /*    FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT ::                                               */
  /*      Indicates that the face uses the `sfnt' storage scheme.  For     */
  /*      now, this means TrueType and OpenType.                           */

So, if the font doesn't have this flag set, it means that
the font is surely not OTF.

This is some info about my David CLM font.

% ls -l DavidCLM-Medium.ttf
-rw-r--r-- 1 handa handa 24156 2010-06-15 09:48 DavidCLM-Medium.ttf
% fc-list 'david clm' capability
% od -t x1 DavidCLM-Medium.ttf |head
0000000 00 01 00 00 00 10 01 00 00 04 00 00 46 46 54 4d
0000020 4f 58 4a 2a 00 00 5e 40 00 00 00 1c 47 44 45 46
0000040 08 87 07 9c 00 00 50 24 00 00 00 6e 47 50 4f 53
0000060 c3 06 cd 7e 00 00 55 34 00 00 09 0a 47 53 55 42
0000100 48 82 52 49 00 00 50 94 00 00 04 9e 4f 53 2f 32
0000120 89 5b 2c ee 00 00 01 88 00 00 00 56 63 6d 61 70
0000140 ae 86 db a7 00 00 05 3c 00 00 02 0a 63 76 74 20
0000160 00 28 02 f8 00 00 07 48 00 00 00 04 67 61 73 70
0000200 ff ff 00 03 00 00 50 1c 00 00 00 08 67 6c 79 66
0000220 62 9d 8f 85 00 00 08 fc 00 00 3c 34 68 65 61 64

Kenichi Handa

PS.  I got WiFi (WiMAX) now, and the Internet access has
been much improved. :-)

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