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Re: patch-copy-dir-with-stefan-changes

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: patch-copy-dir-with-stefan-changes
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 11:42:13 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> here another approach to fix copy-directory and dired.

Looks good.

I'm not sure how it can get away with removing dired-do-create-files
without removing any call to it, but other than that it looks like the
best solution.  Any other opinion?


> ---
>  lisp/dired-aux.el |   91 
> ++---------------------------------------------------
>  lisp/files.el     |   53 +++++++++++++------------------
>  2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)

> diff --git a/lisp/dired-aux.el b/lisp/dired-aux.el
> index 28b285f..5bb9d73 100644
> --- a/lisp/dired-aux.el
> +++ b/lisp/dired-aux.el
> @@ -1345,6 +1345,7 @@ Special value `always' suppresses confirmation."
>       (when cons (setcar cons cur-dir))))))
>  ;; The basic function for half a dozen variations on cp/mv/ln/ln -s.
> +
>  (defun dired-create-files (file-creator operation fn-list name-constructor
>                                       &optional marker-char)
> @@ -1403,6 +1404,8 @@ ESC or `q' to not overwrite any of the remaining files,
>                    (cond  ((integerp marker-char) marker-char)
>                           (marker-char (dired-file-marker from)) ; slow
>                           (t nil))))
> +            (when (and (file-directory-p from) (eq file-creator 
> 'dired-copy-file))
> +              (setq to (file-name-directory to)))
>              (condition-case err
>                  (progn
>                    (funcall file-creator from to dired-overwrite-confirmed)
> @@ -1445,94 +1448,6 @@ ESC or `q' to not overwrite any of the remaining files,
>        (message "%s: %s file%s"
>              operation success-count (dired-plural-s success-count)))))
>    (dired-move-to-filename))
> -
> -(defun dired-do-create-files (op-symbol file-creator operation arg
> -                                     &optional marker-char op1
> -                                     how-to)
> -  "Create a new file for each marked file.
> -Prompts user for target, which is a directory in which to create
> -  the new files.  Target may also be a plain file if only one marked
> -  file exists.  The way the default for the target directory is
> -  computed depends on the value of `dired-dwim-target-directory'.
> -OP-SYMBOL is the symbol for the operation.  Function `dired-mark-pop-up'
> -  will determine whether pop-ups are appropriate for this OP-SYMBOL.
> -FILE-CREATOR and OPERATION as in `dired-create-files'.
> -ARG as in `dired-get-marked-files'.
> -Optional arg MARKER-CHAR as in `dired-create-files'.
> -Optional arg OP1 is an alternate form for OPERATION if there is
> -  only one file.
> -Optional arg HOW-TO determiness how to treat the target.
> -  If HOW-TO is nil, use `file-directory-p' to determine if the
> -   target is a directory.  If so, the marked file(s) are created
> -   inside that directory.  Otherwise, the target is a plain file;
> -   an error is raised unless there is exactly one marked file.
> -  If HOW-TO is t, target is always treated as a plain file.
> -  Otherwise, HOW-TO should be a function of one argument, TARGET.
> -   If its return value is nil, TARGET is regarded as a plain file.
> -   If it return value is a list, TARGET is a generalized
> -    directory (e.g. some sort of archive).  The first element of
> -    this list must be a function with at least four arguments:
> -      operation - as OPERATION above.
> -      rfn-list  - list of the relative names for the marked files.
> -      fn-list   - list of the absolute names for the marked files.
> -      target    - the name of the target itself.
> -      The rest of into-dir are optional arguments.
> -   For any other return value, TARGET is treated as a directory."
> -  (or op1 (setq op1 operation))
> -  (let* ((fn-list (dired-get-marked-files nil arg))
> -      (rfn-list (mapcar (function dired-make-relative) fn-list))
> -      (dired-one-file        ; fluid variable inside dired-create-files
> -       (and (consp fn-list) (null (cdr fn-list)) (car fn-list)))
> -      (target-dir (dired-dwim-target-directory))
> -      (default (and dired-one-file
> -                    (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory (car fn-list))
> -                                      target-dir)))
> -      (defaults (dired-dwim-target-defaults fn-list target-dir))
> -      (target (expand-file-name ; fluid variable inside dired-create-files
> -               (minibuffer-with-setup-hook
> -                   (lambda ()
> -                     (set (make-local-variable 
> 'minibuffer-default-add-function) nil)
> -                     (setq minibuffer-default defaults))
> -                 (dired-mark-read-file-name
> -                  (concat (if dired-one-file op1 operation) " %s to: ")
> -                  target-dir op-symbol arg rfn-list default))))
> -      (into-dir (cond ((null how-to)
> -                       ;; Allow DOS/Windows users to change the letter
> -                       ;; case of a directory.  If we don't test these
> -                       ;; conditions up front, file-directory-p below
> -                       ;; will return t because the filesystem is
> -                       ;; case-insensitive, and Emacs will try to move
> -                       ;; foo -> foo/foo, which fails.
> -                       (if (and (memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt 
> cygwin))
> -                                (eq op-symbol 'move)
> -                                dired-one-file
> -                                (string= (downcase
> -                                          (expand-file-name (car fn-list)))
> -                                         (downcase
> -                                          (expand-file-name target)))
> -                                (not (string=
> -                                      (file-name-nondirectory (car fn-list))
> -                                      (file-name-nondirectory target))))
> -                           nil
> -                         (file-directory-p target)))
> -                      ((eq how-to t) nil)
> -                      (t (funcall how-to target)))))
> -    (if (and (consp into-dir) (functionp (car into-dir)))
> -     (apply (car into-dir) operation rfn-list fn-list target (cdr into-dir))
> -      (if (not (or dired-one-file into-dir))
> -       (error "Marked %s: target must be a directory: %s" operation target))
> -      ;; rename-file bombs when moving directories unless we do this:
> -      (or into-dir (setq target (directory-file-name target)))
> -      (dired-create-files
> -       file-creator operation fn-list
> -       (if into-dir                  ; target is a directory
> -        ;; This function uses fluid variable target when called
> -        ;; inside dired-create-files:
> -        (function
> -         (lambda (from)
> -           (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory from) target)))
> -      (function (lambda (from) target)))
> -       marker-char))))
>  ;; Read arguments for a marked-files command that wants a file name,
>  ;; perhaps popping up the list of marked files.
> diff --git a/lisp/files.el b/lisp/files.el
> index 7ac88f8..d896020 100644
> --- a/lisp/files.el
> +++ b/lisp/files.el
> @@ -4723,23 +4723,21 @@ If RECURSIVE is non-nil, all files in DIRECTORY are 
> deleted as well."
>                directory 'full directory-files-no-dot-files-regexp)))
>        (delete-directory-internal directory)))))
> -(defun copy-directory (directory newname &optional keep-time
> -                              parents copy-as-subdir)
> +(defun copy-directory (directory newname &optional keep-time parents)
>    "Copy DIRECTORY to NEWNAME.  Both args must be strings.
> +If NEWNAME names an existing directory, copy DIRECTORY as subdirectory there.
> +
>  This function always sets the file modes of the output files to match
>  the corresponding input file.
>  The third arg KEEP-TIME non-nil means give the output files the same
>  last-modified time as the old ones.  (This works on only some systems.)
> -A prefix arg makes KEEP-TIME non-nil.
> -Optional arg PARENTS says whether to create parent directories if
> -they don't exist.  When called interactively, PARENTS is t.
> +A prefix arg makes KEEP-TIME non-nil.
> -When NEWNAME is an existing directory, copy DIRECTORY into a
> -subdirectory of NEWNAME if optional arg COPY-AS-SUBDIR is
> -non-nil, otherwise copy the contents of DIRECTORY into NEWNAME.
> -When called interactively, copy into a subdirectory by default."
> +Noninteractively, the last argument PARENTS says whether to
> +create parent directories if they don't exist.  Interactively,
> +this happens by default."
>    (interactive
>     (let ((dir (read-directory-name
>              "Copy directory: " default-directory default-directory t nil)))
> @@ -4747,7 +4745,7 @@ When called interactively, copy into a subdirectory by 
> default."
>          (read-file-name
>           (format "Copy directory %s to: " dir)
>           default-directory default-directory nil nil)
> -        current-prefix-arg t t)))
> +        current-prefix-arg t)))
>    ;; If default-directory is a remote directory, make sure we find its
>    ;; copy-directory handler.
>    (let ((handler (or (find-file-name-handler directory 'copy-directory)
> @@ -4759,17 +4757,12 @@ When called interactively, copy into a subdirectory 
> by default."
>        (setq directory (directory-file-name (expand-file-name directory))
>           newname   (directory-file-name (expand-file-name newname)))
> -      (unless (file-directory-p directory)
> -     (error "%s is not a directory" directory))
> -
> -      (cond
> -       ((not (file-directory-p newname))
> -     ;; If NEWNAME is not an existing directory, create it;
> -     ;; that is where we will copy the files of DIRECTORY.
> -     (make-directory newname parents))
> -       (copy-as-subdir
> -     ;; If NEWNAME is an existing directory, and we are copying as
> -     ;; a subdirectory, the target is NEWNAME/[DIRECTORY-BASENAME].
> +      (if (not (file-directory-p newname))
> +       ;; If NEWNAME is not an existing directory, create it; that
> +       ;; is where we will copy the files of DIRECTORY.
> +       (make-directory newname parents)
> +     ;; If NEWNAME is an existing directory, we will copy into
>       (setq newname (expand-file-name
>                      (file-name-nondirectory
>                       (directory-file-name directory))
> @@ -4778,22 +4771,20 @@ When called interactively, copy into a subdirectory 
> by default."
>            (not (file-directory-p newname))
>            (error "Cannot overwrite non-directory %s with a directory"
>                   newname))
> -     (make-directory newname t)))
> +     (make-directory newname t))
>        ;; Copy recursively.
>        (dolist (file
>              ;; We do not want to copy "." and "..".
>              (directory-files directory 'full
>                               directory-files-no-dot-files-regexp))
> -     (let ((target (expand-file-name
> -                    (file-name-nondirectory file) newname))
> -           (attrs (file-attributes file)))
> -       (cond ((file-directory-p file)
> -              (copy-directory file target keep-time parents nil))
> -             ((stringp (car attrs)) ; Symbolic link
> -              (make-symbolic-link (car attrs) target t))
> -             (t
> -              (copy-file file target t keep-time)))))
> +     (if (file-directory-p file)
> +         (copy-directory file newname keep-time parents)
> +       (let ((target (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory file) 
> newname))
> +             (attrs (file-attributes file)))
> +         (if (stringp (car attrs)) ; Symbolic link
> +             (make-symbolic-link (car attrs) target t)
> +           (copy-file file target t keep-time)))))
>        ;; Set directory attributes.
>        (set-file-modes newname (file-modes directory))

> -- 
> A+ Thierry
> Get my Gnupg key:
> gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 59F29997 

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