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Re: idn.el and confusables.txt

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: idn.el and confusables.txt
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 20:59:16 +0300

> From: Ted Zlatanov <address@hidden>
> Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 13:31:44 -0500
> >> For further possible markchars.el functionality, take a look at
> >> http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr36/ (Unicode Security Considerations).
> >> It talks about the confusables issues, IDNA issues, and bidi issues
> >> among others.  It's a really good explanation of what security-related
> >> functionality is needed from the confusables char-table and potentially
> >> other places in Emacs.
> EZ> Yes, I'm familiar with these specs, but I didn't try to design an
> EZ> implementation of IDNA, so the answers to the above questions are not
> EZ> clear to me.  If someone can explain how would an IDNA implementation
> EZ> use confusables.txt, we could make sure that the tables we produce
> EZ> from it will be good for IDNA as well, if and when someone will want
> EZ> to implement it.
> I may be misunderstanding, but I think you're sort of implying that IDNA
> (in domain names and URLs) is the main use for confusables.txt.

No, I wasn't implying that.  But it's certainly one possible use.

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