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Re: transplant revisions between unrelated projects

From: Lluís
Subject: Re: transplant revisions between unrelated projects
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 02:01:11 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier writes:

>> You can find the code here:
>> https://launchpad.net/bzr-tp/trunk
>> This will give some more details on how to use it:
>> bzr help transplant

> Could you describe (or point to a description) of what it actually does?

Could be seen like an inter-project merge tool, where history is kept (including
merges), as long as the "transplanted" revisions affect files identified as

For example, emacs->cedet synchronization would transplant files
"lisp/emacs-lisp/eieio\(.*\).el" from emacs into "lisp/eieio/eieio\1.el" in
cedet, where cedet controls what to transplant and when (transplant metadata is
committed into the cedet branch):

  cd /path/to/cedet
  bzr tp-from-init --remember /path/to/emacs
  bzr tp-from-add "lisp/emacs-lisp/eieio\(.*\).el" "lisp/eieio/eieio\1.el"
  bzr tp-from
  # if no conflicts arose:
  bzr tp-from-finish
  # otherwise inspect changes, resolve conflicts, and:
  bzr tp-from-continue

It still does not have support to permanently ignore specific revisions
(although it should be pretty easy to add), and some changes possible in bazaar
are still not handled (e.g., file permissions), but it should already have the
basic support to allow other projects like cedet and gnus to keep in sync with

The other functionality that is missing on the cmdline is the "tp-to" family of
commands, which is the inverse set of operations: cedet->emacs transplants, but
keeping the transplant metadata in cedet (although the internals should remain
completely untouched).

As I said, it's not very tested and I won't have much more time to dedicate to
it in the foreseeable future, but I thought the plugin format would benefit more


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