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Re: Inclusion of naquadah-theme

From: Julien Danjou
Subject: Re: Inclusion of naquadah-theme
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 12:48:16 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.1.50 (gnu/linux)

On Mon, Jun 25 2012, Chong Yidong wrote:

> Please have a better description in the first line than "A color theme",
> since this serves as the accompanying text in the M-x customize-themes
> buffer.  Likewise the docstring to deftheme, which is shown with the
> describe-theme command.

Sure, I fixed this two. But it's kinda hard to describe a theme
actually. :)

> Do not set ansi-term-color-vector directly with setq.  If you find the
> need to customize it, please fix it right: submit a patch to term.el
> that converts this to a defcustom, then use custom-theme-set-variables.

What do you think of the following patch?

From 15acb6ecb90cca322109344521379d843ce53c15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julien Danjou <address@hidden>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 12:39:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] term: use faces for color handling

Signed-off-by: Julien Danjou <address@hidden>
 lisp/ChangeLog |    5 +++
 lisp/term.el   |  135 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 2 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ChangeLog b/lisp/ChangeLog
index 69fee94..9680fb3 100644
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2012-06-26  Julien Danjou  <address@hidden>
+       * term.el (term-handle-colors-array): Use a set of new faces to
+       color the terminal. Also uses :inverse-video property.
 2012-06-26  Martin Rudalics  <address@hidden>
        * calendar/calendar.el (calendar-exit): Don't try to delete or
diff --git a/lisp/term.el b/lisp/term.el
index 7461d74..d11fd57 100644
--- a/lisp/term.el
+++ b/lisp/term.el
@@ -108,11 +108,6 @@
 ;;  Blink, is not supported.  Currently it's mapped as bold.
-;; Important caveat:
-;; -----------------
-;;   if you want custom colors in term.el redefine term-default-fg-color
-;;  and term-default-bg-color BEFORE loading it.
 ;;             ----------------------------------------
 ;;  If you'd like to check out my complete configuration, you can download
@@ -459,7 +454,7 @@ state 4: term-terminal-parameter contains pending output.")
   "A queue of strings whose echo we want suppressed.")
 (defvar term-terminal-parameter)
 (defvar term-terminal-previous-parameter)
-(defvar term-current-face 'default)
+(defvar term-current-face 'term-face)
 (defvar term-scroll-start 0 "Top-most line (inclusive) of scrolling region.")
 (defvar term-scroll-end) ; Number of line (zero-based) after scrolling region.
 (defvar term-pager-count nil
@@ -796,27 +791,71 @@ Buffer local variable.")
 (defvar term-terminal-previous-parameter-4 -1)
 ;;; faces -mm
+(defvar ansi-term-color-vector
+  [term-face
+   term-color-black
+   term-color-red
+   term-color-green
+   term-color-yellow
+   term-color-blue
+   term-color-magenta
+   term-color-cyan
+   term-color-white])
+(defface term-face
+  '((t :inherit default))
+  "Default face to use in term."
+  :group 'term)
-(defcustom term-default-fg-color
-  ;; FIXME: This depends on the current frame, so depending on when
-  ;; it's loaded, the result may be different.
-  (face-foreground term-current-face)
-  "Default color for foreground in `term'."
-  :group 'term
-  :type 'string)
+(defface term-bold
+  '((t :bold t))
+  "Default face to use for bold text."
+  :group 'term)
-(defcustom term-default-bg-color
-  ;; FIXME: This depends on the current frame, so depending on when
-  ;; it's loaded, the result may be different.
-  (face-background term-current-face)
-  "Default color for background in `term'."
-  :group 'term
-  :type 'string)
+(defface term-underline
+  '((t :underline t))
+  "Default face to use for underlined text."
+  :group 'term)
-;; Use the same colors that xterm uses, see `xterm-standard-colors'.
-(defvar ansi-term-color-vector
-  [unspecified "black" "red3" "green3" "yellow3" "blue2"
-   "magenta3" "cyan3" "white"])
+(defface term-color-black
+  '((t :foreground "black" :background "black"))
+  "Face used to render black color code."
+  :group 'term)
+(defface term-color-red
+  '((t :foreground "red3" :background "red3"))
+  "Face used to render red color code."
+  :group 'term)
+(defface term-color-green
+  '((t :foreground "green3" :background "green3"))
+  "Face used to render green color code."
+  :group 'term)
+(defface term-color-yellow
+  '((t :foreground "yellow3" :background "yellow3"))
+  "Face used to render yellow color code."
+  :group 'term)
+(defface term-color-blue
+  '((t :foreground "blue2" :background "blue2"))
+  "Face used to render blue color code."
+  :group 'term)
+(defface term-color-magenta
+  '((t :foreground "magenta3" :background "magenta3"))
+  "Face used to render magenta color code."
+  :group 'term)
+(defface term-color-cyan
+  '((t :foreground "cyan3" :background "cyan3"))
+  "Face used to render cyan color code."
+  :group 'term)
+(defface term-color-white
+  '((t :foreground "white" :background "white"))
+  "Face used to render white color code."
+  :group 'term)
 ;; Inspiration came from comint.el -mm
 (defcustom term-buffer-maximum-size 2048
@@ -951,11 +990,7 @@ is buffer-local."
 (defun term-ansi-reset ()
-  (setq term-current-face (nconc
-                           (if term-default-bg-color
-                               (list :background term-default-bg-color))
-                           (if term-default-fg-color
-                               (list :foreground term-default-fg-color))))
+  (setq term-current-face 'term-face)
   (setq term-ansi-current-underline nil)
   (setq term-ansi-current-bold nil)
   (setq term-ansi-current-reverse nil)
@@ -3088,10 +3123,6 @@ See `term-prompt-regexp'."
 ;; New function to deal with ansi colorized output, as you can see you can
 ;; have any bold/underline/fg/bg/reverse combination. -mm
-(defvar term-bold-attribute '(:weight bold)
-  "Attribute to use for the bold terminal attribute.
-Set it to nil to disable bold.")
 (defun term-handle-colors-array (parameter)
@@ -3153,46 +3184,32 @@ Set it to nil to disable bold.")
   ;;          term-ansi-current-color
   ;;          term-ansi-current-bg-color)
   (unless term-ansi-face-already-done
     (if term-ansi-current-invisible
         (let ((color
                (if term-ansi-current-reverse
-                   (if (= term-ansi-current-color 0)
-                       term-default-fg-color
-                     (elt ansi-term-color-vector term-ansi-current-color))
-                 (if (= term-ansi-current-bg-color 0)
-                     term-default-bg-color
-                   (elt ansi-term-color-vector term-ansi-current-bg-color)))))
+                   (face-foreground
+                    (elt ansi-term-color-vector term-ansi-current-color))
+                 (face-background
+                  (elt ansi-term-color-vector term-ansi-current-bg-color)))))
           (setq term-current-face
                 (list :background color
                       :foreground color))
           ) ;; No need to bother with anything else if it's invisible.
       (setq term-current-face
-            (if term-ansi-current-reverse
-                (if (= term-ansi-current-color 0)
-                    (list :background term-default-fg-color
-                          :foreground term-default-bg-color)
-                  (list :background
-                        (elt ansi-term-color-vector term-ansi-current-color)
-                        :foreground
-                        (elt ansi-term-color-vector 
-              (if (= term-ansi-current-color 0)
-                  (list :foreground term-default-fg-color
-                        :background term-default-bg-color)
-                (list :foreground
-                      (elt ansi-term-color-vector term-ansi-current-color)
-                      :background
-                      (elt ansi-term-color-vector 
+            (list :foreground
+                  (face-foreground (elt ansi-term-color-vector 
+                  :background
+                  (face-background (elt ansi-term-color-vector 
+                  :inverse-video term-ansi-current-reverse))
       (when term-ansi-current-bold
         (setq term-current-face
-              (append term-bold-attribute term-current-face)))
+              (list* term-current-face :inherit 'term-bold)))
       (when term-ansi-current-underline
         (setq term-current-face
-              (list* :underline t term-current-face)))))
+              (list* term-current-face :inherit 'term-underline)))))
   ;;   (message "Debug %S" term-current-face)
   ;; FIXME: shouldn't we set term-ansi-face-already-done to t here?  --Stef

> Having defuns in a theme file is obnoxious.  Could you explain what
> these functions are needed for?  If there is missing functionality, we
> should incorporate that directly into Emacs; they should not be
> naquadah-specific.

It's a system we built to define faces with symbols and then expand into
a real color value, depending on the terminal capability. This allows to
define a face once with generic color and expand it:

 '(default (:background background :foreground aluminium-1))))

=> (default
    ((((class color)
       (min-colors 65535))
      (:background "#252A2B" :foreground "#eeeeec"))
     (((class color)
       (min-colors 256))
      (:background "color-234" :foreground "color-255"))
     (((class color)
       (min-colors 88))
      (:background "color-80" :foreground "color-87"))
      (:background "black" :foreground "white"))))

This way we just have to define the color "aluminium-1" to be a
different color depending on the numbre of color available, and then
define the font. The rest is expanded by this function.


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