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Re: Metaproblem, part 3

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: Metaproblem, part 3
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 23:40:35 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> But seriously -- if there's some way we can help you recharge your batteries
> please let us know.

The issue is not just to recharge my batteries but to lighten the load.
I see various ways that could happen:
- Someone else could take care of GNU ELPA (look for new packages, collect
  signatures, improve the infrastructure, ...).
- More people helping deal with bug-reports at all levels: classify
  bugs, tag them, make sure we reply to each one of them, make sure we
  have enough data from the reporter, help pinpoint the actual bug,
  write a sample patch.
- Setup some kind of patch-queue-manager so we can review patches and
  let the pqm do the commit/push itself.
- I find the bug-tracker not helpful enough.  Not sure if it's my fault
  for not using it well enough, maybe.  I keep feeling like I can't get
  a good overview of which bugs I should focus on, and to make sure all
  bugs receive enough attention (I hate this constant feeling I have
  that most bug reports go simply unanswered).
- Spend less time arguing and more time coding.  E.g. package.el still
  doesn't keep track of which packages have been explicitly installed by
  the user.  There's still no code to bundle GNU ELPA packages in the
  tarball releases.
- The resistance to change on CC-mode's side didn't help my morale.

But also I think on the coding side I don't have that much to contribute
to Emacs nowadays, and it's time for someone else to take over, with
fresh new ideas.


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