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Re: progmodes/project.el and search paths

From: David Engster
Subject: Re: progmodes/project.el and search paths
Date: Mon, 03 Aug 2015 23:33:25 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13001 (Ma Gnus v0.10) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)

Stephen Leake writes:
> In addition, when I build things in makefiles, gud does a good job of
> guessing the correct user executable, and the others are available thru
> file completion (since they are all in the same directory).

Not for me. Executables are all over the place and I always have to make
sure I switch to the correct directory first. Gud frequently guesses
wrong, probably because we have a very complicated parallel build.
Also, I frequently have to switch between debugging locally and remotely
on the target platform through gdbserver.

> I don't see how a project can do better; there will still be a list of
> possible executables; the most recently compiled isn't necessarily the
> one I want to debug.

Well, let's take Eclipse. It automatically scans the tree for binaries
which you can quickly select for debugging. You can define different
debug configurations where you can define the debugger to use, how it
should be called and with which init file, if and where it should stop
execution on startup, which executable it should debug and what
arguments and environment it should provide, and if maybe this
executable should be copied to a target system and debugged through

And that's just what *I* regularly use.


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