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Re: New Emacs maintainer

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: New Emacs maintainer
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2015 03:27:32 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)

John Wiegley <address@hidden> writes:

> Thank you, to everyone!!
> I think the key to avoided burnout will be not
> trying to do everything myself. There are excellent
> people in this community, who together have more
> time and energy than I will in a lifetime. If I can
> coordinate them, and help them focus on what they
> find fun and interesting, not only will this job be
> easier for me, it should be more fun for everyone.
> We're doing this because we love Emacs, right?
> Pursuing one's love ought to make the time spent
> feel worth every second! if not, there's an obstacle
> we need to remove.

OK, so you are the maintainer of all of Emacs?
How does that work? :O

Are there "submaintainers" for parts of Emacs -
I don't mean third-party add-ons (e.g., Emacs-w3m) or
for that matter software found in the ELPAs, which are
obviously stand-alone projects. I mean for example
help.el? In the header, it says

    Maintainer: address@hidden

Does that mean you?

On my Debian, the maintainer of emacs24 is
Rob Brownin, however I take it that refers to the
Debian package, not the Emacs source.

Anyway, according to cloc [1] I have written 95 files
of Elisp totalling 3721 lines of code. That doesn't
strike me as neither a lot nor something
insignificant... But I feel pretty confident because
it works.

I mention this because if you have something that has
been abandoned or left half-baked I'm happy to lend
a hand. I can be an asset in part because what I like
in technology, few others like (which is sad for me
and... them). So if everyone wants to do LaTeX it is
good if at least a few want to do groff. (Actually
I like LaTeX and Biblatex as well.) You know what I'm
saying? Do you have a TODO list or anything?

Keep it real :)

[1] http://cloc.sourceforge.net/

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