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Re: [gdb(-mi)] Output of debugee not redirected to *input/output of ...*

From: Christian Schwarzgruber
Subject: Re: [gdb(-mi)] Output of debugee not redirected to *input/output of ...* buffer when starting gdb via a script
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 22:16:21 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.16; emacs 24.5.1

Sorry! Here are more details.

- The script creates a temporary GDB init-script, to set some GDB options etc.

``` Content of the script (lets call it gdb-init-script).
alias il = info locals
alias ia = info args

define hook-quit
  clear main
  save breakpoints gdb-breakpoints

set confirm off
set verbose off
set history filename ~/.gdb_history
set history save
set print array on
set print array-indexes on
set print pretty on
set print object on
set print static-members on
set print vtbl on
set print demangle on
set demangle-style gnu-v3
set print sevenbit-strings off

source gdb-breakpoints
break main
It does contain more stuff, but only when the script is invoked from the shell
or when remote debugging, but isn't relevant in this case.

1) Invoking GDB via the debug script.
gdb -i=mi -x /tmp/gdb-init-script --args executable prog-arguments

2) Invoking GDB directly does work
gdb -i=mi --args executable prog-arguments

Now, as I wrote this. I tried to not pass the gdb-init-script to GDB (1), and
the output of the program gets redirected correctly to the *input/output*
buffer. I further commented out one line at a time from the gdb-init-script.
Which revealed, that the `run` command at the end of the gdb-init-script is
causing this issue. I should have tried this earlier :-/.

Anyway, I think this happens probably because the initialization of the GDB
interface in Emacs is not done at the moment the `run` command gets
executed. Just a suspicion but I'm not sure.

Thank you!

Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden> writes:

>> From: Christian Schwarzgruber <address@hidden>
>> Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 20:26:31 +0100
>> I have question about `gdb(-mi)' in emacs 24.5. I have written a bash debug
>> wrapper script do choose between various front-ends and do some other stuff.
>> When I do; M-x gdb RET; delete the default value; enter the script name along
>> with the other optional parameters, and hit enter. Everything gets 
>> initialized
>> successfully. Debugging the program works as well.
>> Example:
>>   Run gdb (like this) dscript --cd=/path/to/the/executable executable ...
>> However, the output of the debugee gets not redirected to the *input/output 
>> of
>> ...* buffer. Does someone know what the cause could be. Or how to further 
>> triage
>> this problem/(bug?).
>> NOTE:
>>   (gdb) show inferior-tty
>>   shows the correct tty value, i.e. the tty of the *input/output of ...* 
>> buffer.
> You didn't say what does your dscript do to run GDB.  It's hard to
> answer your questions without knowing that.  For starters, does it
> invoke GDB with the -i=mi command-line switch?  If not, that's your
> first problem.
> Also, if you invoke GDB directly like the default prompt suggests,
> does the problem go away?

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